How should I have responded to this??

Heyy guys, Okay so I was hanging out with this guy that I have really liked for a really long time.. And we were talking about how I really really really regret my first kiss.. And I was like I only kissed him because I was sick and tired of getting made fun of.. And he said that I should have just asked someone… And I said that if he could name one person who would kiss me then I would never mention it again… Then he said that he knew someone that would.. But wouldnt tell me who.. So I hugged him and gave him the puppy dog lip.. And he was like.. Okay.. Well its me.. And I smiled and asked why he hadnt… But I think he likes me now but I have no idea how to flirt with im or tell him I want him to kiss me…

Thanks for the helpp!!!

Answer #1

He sounds very shy. You may need to make the first move. If you find yourself walking next to him or sitting next to him, take his hand and smile at him. If he likes you this way then he will keep holding it. You may need to keep doing this until he feels comfortable taking your hand. After that the kiss will happen.

Answer #2

Well, there was this guy I liked and he liked me so we started going out and I dont even count it because it ended so soon, but I got all quiet and shy because I didnt really know him. but now with my current boyfriend of almost 2 months now im not quiet or shy at all because he was my best guyfriend for like 3-4 months before. so heres what im getting at, get to know him more, get him to know you. then when its not so weird you guys can go out and it not be weird. I hope a helped a little bit.

Answer #3

awww :) thats so cute just be urself…obviously he likes u

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