How old is too old, my boyfriend's 19, im 13?

Ok, im 13 and he is 19. we have been talking dirty 4 months now. my parents recently found out and stopped me talkin 2 him. we still love each other but I need someone elses opinion. does he just want me 4 sex? we have met face to face once :( I am still talkin 2 him in secret but if my parents found out I’d be in sooo much trouble. NEED somebody’s opinion about the whole relationship. any answers/opinions welcome.

Answer #1

Does the fact that he can go to jail for dating or being sexually active with you answer your question at all? That’s a sure sign it’s not okay…I mean I think if he was 15 he’d be alright, even maybe 16, but any higher is just too old for you at this point in time. At any other time in your life, in your 20’s 30’s 40’s these types of age differences won’t matter, but the fact that you are still considered a child and he is now a young adult, you two are at totally different places in life and maturity levels. I am not saying you aren’t mature for your age, but you aren’t mature enough to be with a 19 year old boy. He may just want sex and it’s easier to date younger girls who are willing to do these types of things for acceptance or to be cool and most girls his age probably won’t give him the time of day because they are busy dating older guys too! So just be smart and don’t be so naieve and believe everything a guy tells you because it may feel right at the moment, but as soon as he gets what he wants he will be gone and that will hurt a lot more than your parent’s forcing you to break up. Your parent’s are only looking out for you best interest even though you may not think that right now. Be true and respectful to yourself and know your self-worth.

Answer #2

He is way to old. He is probably just taking advantage of you. Evn if he duz luvu, that’s sick and rong and he has sum major issues to work out. Try someone a lil younger. !5 would be ok. Sorry! :)

Answer #3

he’s too old… I dont want to sound horrible - thats the last thing I want but why would he want to go ot with a 13 year old? he eithers wants you for something your not old enough for or he’s having a laugh with his mates, your parents did the right thing. hope this helped chick xx

Answer #4

he is way to old for you honey… and he most likely only wants sex from you. dont let yourself be used. find someone your age and go from there…best of luck

Answer #5

Girl nooo.. Im sorry but he is way to old for you. What you even said ya been talking dirty for 4 months. What that just doesn’t make sense that’s obiously a sign that is basically saying that he just want some. Girls at your age shouldn’t be talking to guys 18 and older. If you don’t stop in time you will do something you will regret so it’s better if you stop right now then to stop later befor it’s too late. hope I helped :)

Answer #6

Its just for sex and as the other lady said if your not 18. And he’s older than 18 then its illegal

Answer #7

any 19 year old who dates a 13 year old wants you for sex. sorry.

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