Is there hope for our rocky relationship?

I’ve been in a rocky relationship for the past thre years. What is good is really good. I can honestly say that when things are going well, he is the man of my dreams. But when things are bad, they are really bad. He has anger issues. He is now in therapy and he admits his problem. The problem is that this has affected other areas in our life. Sex is barely nonexistant. He knows this and accepts that I have withdrawn sexually. He doesn’t put any pressure on me but I can see it is driving us apart.

The other day I brought up this topic. Since he’s in therapy, I wanted us to star working on re-builing our sexual intimacy. He did not appreciate me talking about it. He started putting me down sexually. Saying that it’s up to me to initiate it since I’m the one that withdrew. He says it’s not that good anyways and that he’s not that fulfilled. Needless to say this withdrew me even further. I know it’s a touchy subject with him because he does resent my withdrawal even though he tries not to pressure me. He has since apologized for saying all this and said he was hurt and didn’t mean what he said.

The problem is his words have really put a wall between us and I’m now debating wether to stay with him or not. He can be son incredibly nice yet when he’s hurt, he is truly hateful. Is there hope for us?

Answer #1

Oh my gosh! My best friend experienced the same issue. He was the SAME way! When things were great, they were nothing short of GREAT! When he became angry, he was volatile, condescending, ruthless, and downright nasty. She was sometimes in disbelief that it was her boyfriend standing in front of her. First of all, therapy is exactly what he needs. He has taken the first step, but it will be months or maybe even one year until you see the results of therapy. He will learn to understand why he reacts to you the way that he does. It appears that he feels inadequate or intimidated by you…which is why he resorts to the hurtful usage of his dialect. He obviously has insecurity issues and has problem dealing with vulnerability to the opposite sex. He will learn how to communicate more effectively with you and everyone around him once therapy progresses. In regards to the sexual issue, it is best for you both to go to therapy TOGETHER and confront the issue TOGETHER. Since it is a mutual act of intimacy between the both of you, you will have to learn how to rectify the damage done together. I agree - what he said was completely unreasonable - but unfulfilling sex will drive a couple apart. This is especially true if one person is satisfied and the other is not. It’s great that he recognized the unfairness of his comment and apologized. The both of you, in addition to therapy, should discuss what it will take for you both to be sexually satisfied. Rather than withdrawing because your ego has taken a beating - ask him what you can do to sexually satisfy him. Reassure him that his happiness is important to you and it’s obvious that you will need to work on this issue for you to move forward together in your relationship. You will have to swallow your pride. I know it hurts, but he seems to be a very important part of your life. He is already taking some necessary steps to change his behavior, so you’re just going to have to push aside a little bit of your dignity. Then I would ask him about the things that you already do to satisfy him. Ask him if he’d like you to do more of one certain thing. If he doesn’t ask you what he can do to improve - do the following. Bring up all of his sexual strong points FIRST. It feels great when you…You are so good at…I enjoy it. I really like it when you do…I’d love it if you’d do it more because no one has ever touched me that way…Communication is the key, and there seems to be a TON of resentment built between the two of you. You will have to learn to communicate without attacking eachother and withdrawing from one another. That will get you nowhere. However, if you now feel differently towards him and do not want to contribute any further effort into your relationship because you have been so hurt - then reconsider the relationship. We all deserve to be happy and with someone who treats us respectfully - regardless of what issues are presented. It’s really your call and whether you’d like to give it more time…At a certain point, we all become fed up and tired…to a point in which we can’t look back and the pieces can’t be welded back together. Hope this helps a little bit..

Answer #2

WOW! Thank you so much. I know you’re talking about your friend but it’s like you were totally discusing my relationship. It’s dead on!!! Thank you. I will examine all sides of the situation and your comment has helped me put things in perspective. Wow! I am truly grateful. Lola

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