How do I help my daughter?

My daughter is 12 years old and always says that everyone hates her and that our family doesn’t listen to her and that we completely ignore her. She cries over every little thing that happens and will keep crying for atleast a half hour or more. She’s always constantly in a bad mood. Please help!

Answer #1

It’s very hard to know if it is just normal teen angst or if she is suffering from depression. A lot of teen depression gets missed because people think they’re being dramatic, or it is just moodiness. From someone who has been depressed for 10 years, well I didnt grow out of it, it wasnt the hormones, and it wasnt a phase. If someone had actually intervened earlier I probably wouldnt have landed in the hospital twice. I am very careful when I work with kids. Whether you think they’re being dramatic or not, the way they feel is the way they feel. Telling them it is wrong to feel that way is not only counterproductive, it is stupid and can do a lot of long term damage. You should consider counseling, a professional should probably check for depression. As for, what you can do. Well, ask her what she would like. Sit her down and dont let her get away with ‘I dont know’ or vague answers. If she wants more time with you, make it specific. Perhaps a few hours on the weekend to do something she enjoys. Perhaps half an hour every day before bed time with only you. No phones, no interruptions, just you time.

Answer #2

Divorce is hard on kids no doubt and many times their problems are lost in the mess. Create an aura of listening. Keep a calm voice. Let her explain the problem but don’t react right away. I think she need vindication first. That its ok to feel that way but it can be better. When she express a problem restate the problem to her “ok so you feel …” This let’s her know you understand the problem. Communication is key. Taking her out to the mall or shopping is a good idea. It creates quality time to communicate. Let her confide in you I assure you she wants to.

Answer #3

I FEEL LIke that sometimes tell her how you feel about her. and let evry1 in the family tell her aswell. it might work

Answer #4

phh you guys are crazy im about 15 and I NEVER cryed!! maby shes all crying because its going to be the first time she started her period (if she hasent ever in her life) I was kinda like that too and now that I look back I was a whiny lil one right before I started!!! and just sit her down when she says you dont listen and be like okay im hear im listining all atention on you now we can talk about every little detail and then some! or maby a lot more is going on at school and yahh I would know from experience!

Answer #5

lolz a little drama queen I see when she points out how you never listen point out at least 5 times you DID listen that way she feels silly about whining about it if you can not think of at least 5 then maybe she is right lolz also try monitoring the shows she watches some are just to exaggerated when it comes to expressing emotions so she will do the same (thinking that is how it works) really…it is the age.. she is developing a personality before she gets to the right one she will try out a few others :) lolz

Answer #6

I’m 15 but I was like that when I was 12. It’s just that we are at that fragile stage of life.She’s only a year from being the official age teenager(13).Our hormones are crazyy and we are moody. It would be veryyy wise to actually listen to her! listen to her problems. I bet you don;t know anything that’s going on in her life ,if she has fights with her friends, etc.. anything that could be bothering her and causing her to cry easily.

Answer #7

ok well if you just got divorced then just like follow the same things but it is way harder but anyway what you have to do is take one day and take her out to like the mall and out to eat it works then you want to talk to her like before she goes to bed like 5 minutes ask her about her day and ask her if she has anything on her mind and like her feelings and mabe watch a movie or something this works trust me

Answer #8

sounds like me except I dont cry over every lil thing. well find out why shes crying and always in a bad mood…ignoring her will not help…you need to awer her that not everybody hates her…show her that shes wrong and mabey lossen up..

Answer #9

I was the same way. it was mostly friends for me but then my parents wouldnt listen to me I thought but they were. just listen to her and let her know you are there

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