How do I gain confidence in appearances?

I’ve tried affrimations, tried finding something nice about me, tried listening to the people that tell me I’m good looking but I really know I’m not. When someone tells me I am, I just think that they need severe help. I’ve been bullied and called hideous, ugly etc. since I was 5 years old so maybe it’s dug too deep. Most people I try to talk to just tell me that it’s stupid, but it really gets me down.

Answer #1

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”

Tei, everyone is ugly and everyone is beautiful. It depends on opinions. By the sound of it, you’ve seemed to have crossed paths with all the wrong people. These people are immature and ignorant and seriously need to look beyond appearances if they want to get anywhere in life. In my eyes, you are a very beautiful and intelligent girl and I’m proud to call you my friend! If you were nasty and ugly, you wouldn’t have a boyfriend who worships you, and loads of friends who adore you. You are one of the few people I respect and I hope you will learn to love yourself and your appearance. It just takes time!

Answer #2

EVeryone is different. If everyone is the same, the world would be so totally boring wont it? I know how it feels to be called “ugly” or “hideous”. Its like, they completely judge you by your appearance. If they do that, they arent really your friends. But I know, even that, it still feels pretty terrible.

BUt who cares about what they think? You have got your friends with you. They dont care how you look like but how you are. They know your inside. You dont need the other people to know. Appearance is just a first-impression but not a longterm-impression.

But if you still feel terrible, you could try to change your appearance. LIke for example if your have lots of zits, you could go online and look for treatments which you can make on your own.

But God has given all of us a different face, making all of us unique. There are people who look glamarous like on the mags and people who dont look so glamarous. But what can we do? Just appreciate what you have now. Some people have their whole face burnt, so we should really cherish our appearance now…

Answer #3

Hey. I know I’m not exactly on the top of your list of people to talk to at the moment but i just thought this may help. When you feel really down when people say things like that to you, take a good look at them and think about all the wonderfull things you have compared to them. You have a wonderfull boyfriend who loves you very much. You have wonderfull friends who love you for you. You have a very funny and boistrous personallity which people like to see. Ect. This usually blocks out what people are saying to you and makes you feel better about yourself. I have done it, i constanly got called ‘fat’ and ‘plum’ in primary school and part of secondary school because i am bigger than most people my age. You are a beautifull girl and YOUR HAIR RAWKS!! I think its time you should start listening to the people who care about you most, not all the pathetic people who haven’t got lives of their own so they wreck soemone elses. I know this will be tough and it doesnt happen at the click of a finger, but in time your confidence will grow. Another thing you can do, when you wake up every morning and have got ready to start a new day, look into a mirror and repeat to yourself ‘I am beautifull’, that should kick start your day and make you feel brighter and happier. If it still doesnt work, try it before you go to bed to. In time, this will make yooh feel better and it may change how you think about yourself and you will be happier with yourself. It works. I have told many people this and it has worked for them beacuse i have seen changes in them. Well. I hope this helps you Tei.

Devilschild666…Good Luck.

Answer #4

People who make fun of other people are stupid, their intelligence is stupid, their existence is stupid and futile. Do not listen to them if they can’t see what beauty actually is. Judging from your pictures I would say your remarkably gorgeous and you shouldn’t have to worry about what other people say because they are obviously arrogant and naive. Just keep thinking to yourself that your better than them because all the verbal abuse you get will make you a better person emotionally. I have gone through verbal and physical abuse since 1st grade through high school and earned my respect by making people respect me as an Intern for Technology for all of my schools. I still think they are stupid, mainly because I am smarter than them blahahaha! Good luck!

  • Gothik
Answer #5

The people who tell you that it’s stupid are stupid. They aren’t being sensitive at all about how you feel on the situation. Being called ugly..etc. ever since you were 5 years old would scar anybody. But please, trust me….you are NOT ugly. I’ve looked at your picture and you strike me as a very pretty girl. I’m an average looking girl. I’m not ugly and nor do I find myself attractive in anyway. But that’s just the self-esteem of a woman. Don’t listen to what people say when they call you ugly because you truly aren’t ugly. I know you don’t have to believe me because this is my opinion but I think you need to look twice in the mirror.

Answer #6

I feel the same way too sometimes. You just have to feel confident with yourself and not listen to ppl that call you names. serisouly, you are definitly not ugly. The only reason they call you ugly is cuz their insurcure with them selves. How many ppl that are actually ugly do they call ugly.. personally i dont know many but you might i may be wrong.. that just my experience.

Answer #7

only care are about what u think.deep down u know theyre only haters who want to bring u down!!

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