Anyone out there with confidence?

I was thinking the other day and I realized I have no self confidence. I like to sing but I can’t bring myself with no confidence. I also truly wish I was someone else recently, appearance wise. I guess I just want some advice from people that love themselves and are confident because I admire them and I would like if you taught me how to be like you.

Answer #1

I don’t love myself haha I’m not that big of a narcissist, but I am really confident. I don’t really know how or why I am either, but I just take everything that gets thrown at me, embarassing situations and akward moments don’t exist in my life. If anything happens I tend to just make a joke out of it, laugh and shrug it off, unless it is something that completley needs to be taken seriously. You just have to have no shame, and be yourself, just take a dive into anything and trust that’ll all be okay, if it dosen’t so what? We all learn from mistakes or accidents, and chances are you’ll be admired for taking the risk and putting yourself out there in the first place.

&& I don’t think anybody is every truly happy with their appearance either, so I wouldn’t stress on that.

Oh and confidence isn’t all its made out to be, theres actauallly downsides to it, it can be something really intimidating to some people, haha I know I scare people away sometimes…

Good luck!

Answer #2

I do love myself because I think if you don’t love yourself who else is going to do it for you? I do a lot of singing and I was really shy at first but now I really don’t care what other people think but I do this thing when im nervous I hold onto my clothes like the sleave of my top or the pocket of my trouses but just hold your head high and just be you.

Answer #3

I dont love myself, but I am brimming with confidence and I would say I am outgoing. The trick is to have no shame, dont let anything affect you but yourself, you make your decisions and your actions and dont base it on what other people say or do. You are you, and thats all you need to be, so ge out there and show everyone who YOU are :)

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