How do I copy and paste a web address into my web browser?

How do I copy and paste a web address into my web browser?

Answer #1

Two ways to do it: Put your cursor on the web address, hold down the left side of the mouse and move the cursor across the address causing it to highlight. Then hit the control key and the C key simultaneously – this will copy the address, then put your cursor in the web browser and hit the control key and the V key simultaneously. 2nd way: Highlight the web address as done above, and click on the Edit at the top of the screen and in Edit click on Copy. Then put your cursor on the web browser and go to Edit again and click on Paste. I like doing it the 1st way personally unless I want to copy a entire page or large section.

Answer #2

Right click whatever your copying & move the cursor over to the address bar, right click again. scroll down to paste. Click on it.

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