How can I lose this extra fat?

well I weigh about 125 and im not fat or anything I just have a few fattier places than others. see homecoming is in like three week so I really need to get rid of this pudge below my belly button, and my semi chubby legs! and it doesnt matter how muchi run or how many crunches I do I just cant seem to get rid of the excess fat. I dont even eat that much, maybe like around 1000 calories give or take! so is there anyway I could lose this pudge beneath the belly button, and my semichubby legs in under a month? tnks

Answer #1

I guess i would just watch what i eat and then try to exersize as much as possibal till that day. just focuse on where you want to lose weight and then look up the best exersizes you that part. Hope you look great for home coming.

Answer #2


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