How can I feel and look beautiful when he doesn't want me?

I can give good advice to others on relationships and makeup, hair and weightloss, but I can’t seem to do it myself. My friends say that I’m so pretty, that sometimes it scares them, but I don’t have a good body and I can’t stick to a diet. I feel like my hair and makup just don’t go together and the relationship factor isn’t even a possibility for me. I really like someone, but he doesn’t like me and I’m afraid that it’s because I don’t look good in a bathing suit. I’m afraid to go to the beach even. For once, someone please give me good advice!!

Answer #1

ok its not all about looking good in a bathing suit because im sure you do. but if this guy isn’t interested its not your fault because no matter how beautiful or pretty you are doesn’t actually benefit. Guys have different tastes. some like girls with bigger/slimmer shapes, curvy perhaps. girls which are shy/outgoing/confident we don’t know, please don’t hate ureself cause you don’t match his standards because you are a beautiful girl & there plenty othet guys out there. so please dont let this get you down, let him go… maybe if you act asif your over him he might actually want you?! ever thaught about that, so play it cool & act asif its all good that he aint interested. p.s hope this helped you. xx

Answer #2

ok its not all about looking good in a bathing suit because im sure you do. but if this guy isn’t interested its not your fault because no matter how beautiful or pretty you are doesn’t actually benefit. Guys have different tastes. some like girls with bigger/slimmer shapes, curvy perhaps. girls which are shy/outgoing/confident we don’t know, please don’t hate ureself cause you don’t match his standards because you are a beautiful girl & there plenty othet guys out there. so please dont let this get you down, let him go… maybe if you act asif your over him he might actually want you?! ever thaught about that, so play it cool & act asif its all good that he aint interested. p.s hope this helped you. xx

Answer #3

Some people just get lots of boyfriends because they sleep around. but if you look at their relationshipp it will never last long. you may not have a boyfriend now but dont change because you will attract the decent people where as all of the girls that are getting the boys will more than likely just be sleeping around with them..

Answer #4

heyy paige. ok see im not crazy. you are fine the way your are. i seriously dont think you should be trying to lose weight to impress him. he should like you for who you are. and if he dont who cares there are tons of other guys out there for you. look paige i know you best out of all these people on here; your practically me little sister. you always look amazing, always know what to say, and are always confident when i see you. you shouldn’t be letting him get you down like this. around you i fell like im the younger one and your the bigger sister. you are amazing and you know that. dont let what every magizine or tv show tell you you’re not beautiful or amazing, becasue you truly are.

Answer #5

well looking at your pic your friends are righ your really pretty and it doesnt scare me either but just because you give away advice it doesnt mean that your complete. the only problem you have on yourself is your self confidence. dont worry of what u see on tv and whatever everyone that has commented you have already told you that your pretty and hot and everything that a girl really likes. physical appearance doesnt make a person its what they say and do that makes them beautiful. keep giving advice to ppl and keep complimenting yourself. ok sure maybe you dont have a cut out stomach like many models have or maybe night a nce body like most celeb. have but its nothing you cant geti right..working out helps you out but u dont need that ur fine. and for the boy just talk to him (dont throw out your feelings to quick) but become friendly and see how he is like then if you like him ask him out.

Answer #6

If the boy you are interested in shows NO interest what so ever hes not worth your time you are such a gorgeuse girl and i dont say that to just anyone to boost there self esteem your friends tell you your pretty, what else do you need? this boy will make you feel slef concious and u dont deserve that, if your confident wit hwhat you have, that will attract him to you. theres plenty of guys this guy has his head too far up his A* and cant see a beautiful girl with an amazing personality. If your hair and makeup dont go together.. then ease up on the makeup. try to look natural dont put eyeliner on itl feel weird at first but ul get use to it. put a litte on on the top or in the corners. your weight shouldnt be a factor think aobut how lucky u are to have the body you have compared to other girls. Your face is amazing, you seem like a very nice girl all your missing is self respect, once you respect yourself others will too. dont show him your interested, guys like girls that are hard to get. just be outgoing funny and dont complain about your looks dont say “ im fat, my ahir doesnt go with my makeup “ because men love a confident woman. paris hilton is a large latter with size 18 feet and a small eye and shes anorexic looking and has TINY breasts. but shes confident an so many guys want her. Its how you make youreslef look. as you grow older your body will shape up. dont eat fatty foods. they take long to digest and create fat. just stay away form junk food and pop especially. If he doesnt look at you hes not worth your time. ur wasting your time getting hung up on this one guy when there are other guys out there dying to be wiht someone like yourself. and your too busy wasting time on him when you could be happy finding somoene else. besides whats this guy got that others dont have? looks? thats not all there is. he def doesnt seem like anice guy if he makes you feel the way you do, you dont want that. If your going for him for looks,your shallow and being just like him. and people who are hot are usually too busy loving themselves. ask urself this question, why would u want to be with him, do you see yourself being his girlfriend, how would u feel if he talked to other girls and u thought they were prettier.. itd knock you right down to the ground. n u dont belong on the ground, guys dont respect women and we go through so much. stay true your beautiful! hope i helped you

Answer #7

look i give good advice and i must a mit that i myself is selfconcence but i’ll tell u what a friend told me” look u have’nt met the right guy but doesnt mean u dont look good” all i can say is who cares what some guy thinks if that advice helped me maybe it will work for u. but dont beat your self up im sure u look fine and who cares what u look like any how as long as you have a great personality

Answer #8

well i can honestly say that from your dp you look very pretty! i understand what your going through. i can give good advice but am horrible at taking it myself. its mainly because im so self concious of what others think and how they see me. trust me though the thing that you need to do is just stop worrying about how others see you and stop being so hard on yourself. once you do that youll realize that theres nothing wrong with you and youll get more confidence. if you see yourself as beautiful and have confidence, than everyone around will see you that way to! hope i helped

Answer #9

well most guys go for the confidence a girl has. you could be the ugliest girl and if you have a strong appealing personality with confidence you will find someone.. its very attractive to guys. by the way im not saying that youre ugly, but i was just giving an example. if you go out there in your swimsuit and work it and have confidence, then im sure that guy will be attracted to you. and if hes not, then dont worry about him.. there are plenty of other guys out there. one guys opinion doesnt mean a thing.

Answer #10

hunni…i honestly think you look gorgeous in your dp! just be confident and have faith in yourself and your beauty!! and trust me, the guys you want don’t go for amazing looks, aslong as you are not repulsive most guys will go out with you! it’s the personality most guys go for and guys LOVE a confident girl! so just be confident in youself and go out there and have fun flirting like hell! Good luck hunni!

Answer #11

my advice is just be yourself. if he dont like u it’s his most of them saids u’re very pretty!

Answer #12

i can give you any advice and you do not have to wrry about being ugly cause yor beautiful trust me

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