How can I convince my parents I ready for a Horse?

So I’m 15 years old, a sophomore in highschool, and I really want to convince my parents Im ready for a horse but they don’t notice. I’ve been working at 3 farms for the past 4 years, as a lesson assistant, a horse trainer assistant, and a vet assistant. (every day of the week). I’m in lessons once a week and I full time lease a horse, and I have trained her to jump. I know every cost and scrap of things needed to know and I know what I’m working for. I currently pay for everything, (lessons and full leasing.) currently at my barn board rates are the same as the full lease and I’ve been saving up for 8 years of board and regular vet bills included. I have so many training books and I have memorized a medical vet book in order to work with the vets at my barn (hands on). I know im ready to take the next step for getting a horse, btu my parents find horses stupid and they think I have more going for me than that…Anyone have any ideas or examples of how they dealt with just accepting that your parents could care less about it or how to convince them. They can’t seem to notice any of my hard work put into it…

Answer #1

actually, horses are the cheap part. I know. We have 6 horses on our farm. I would try to reason with your parents. Why don’t they like horses? or something like that.Hope, that helps

Answer #2

yes thanks! my parents are pretty nervous around horses and are constantly scared that I will get hurt.

Answer #3

May I add a ps? I’ve read all the answers, especially phrannie’s, and I’m sorry if I sounded so negative. It’s just that I’ve seen too many horses that were bought and that had to be re-sold after about a year…

Do talk it over seriously with your parents. The important thing is what their objections are. Once you know what the score is there, then you can work on them. Do they dislike horses? are they afraid of them? (a lot of people are) or maybe they’re worried that they’re going to end up bailing you out?

Good luck!

Answer #4

It has a lot more to do with than you being “ready”. Horses require a lot of money, time, and land to roam around on. It’s a huge responsiblity and a huge decision. All you can do is ask them - if they say no - just wait until you are out on your own and can pay for one yourself.

Answer #5

yes I know is very long term otherwise I wouldn’t come out 3 hours a day, pay vet bills and be asking the question of why don’t my parents get it. lol im not planning on a young 3 year old prospect, more like a 23 year old horse that can just be pleasure ridden, I have plenty of barn space and I get free board and food now since I’ve worked so long, im just asking for suggestions on convincing and not what horse back riding takes because I know what it takes

Answer #6

Yes, I agree with the first answer above: It’s almost impossible to realize in advance how much money, time, space - and continuining effort - a horse requires.

Believe me, I know - was lucky enough to get my first horse as a young kid (living on a farm), and had two horses until recently. And then, when I finally had to give them away because I was spending a lot of the year abroad … suddenly the day had 4 or 5 extra hours. Honest, they took that much time!

So… it’s a long-term investment. When you get a horse, it’s not just for this year, but for many years into the future. Unless you, and your parents, feel sure that it will be possible to give that horse the love, care, space, and not least food that it needs not just today, but when you are 18, 20, 25, 30 years old…

I hate to sound so negative, but this is a big, long-term decision we’re talking about.

Answer #7

I agree with the first answer, they are expensive, ask your parent’s and see what they tell you.

Answer #8

I think your intense interest plus your commitment to learing and working deserve a horse…I do…Maybe have a real sitdown with them…”Mom, dad…I want us all to have a talk tonite after dinner”…YOU make this little appointment with them…and point out all that you’ve done, and are doing now…I’m sure it hasn’t escaped them how committed you are to this…This will give them the opportunity to voice their opinions…things maybe you haven’t heard…

Kids with as much interest as you have will be found at the barn, not out at a party, or getting into trouble…(this is a valid point)…Horses kept me out of trouble when I was in high school. And horses didn’t keep me from going to college either…you can do both.

granny phrannie

Answer #9

I say that you should have a sit down with your parents, if they say no after you have explained evrything that you have done and explained that you know that it’s a long term commitment ext. then just continue doing what your doing. They might eventually see your side in a new light eventually, and if they don’t it’s only about two years until you can move out and get one of your own. If they say yes then GET A CONTRACT!!! Once I made a deal with my parents about getting a dog, and they cheated me. I gave them $500 to get me the dog I wanted and then they “forgot” and kept my hard earned (over 3 years mind you)and they still have it to this day, they may have spent it or they may have kept it, all that I know is that you should make a contract so there is no “Ididn’t agree to that” and don’t forget, have them both sighn in cursive and have a witness. That way no matter what they can’t back down, because you have proof that they agreed to it.

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