How can I be hyper? Are you hyper?

How can I be hyper?? My friends say I am fun to be around when I am hyper.I think it’s because I make my self laugh uncontrolably…but I don’t know. What do you do to make urself hyper?

Answer #1

I quit smokn pot that why im entergetic bu you may have add or adhd im nnot sure which but my dad had it as a kid they called him thumber because he had almost uncontrolable leg movment

Answer #2

well this reminds me of a story. I was really hyper during my friend’s 13th birthday party, I was like sliding on my butt. XD my friends were like WTF? is this guy nuts?! lol :l

Answer #3

I’m ALWAYS hyper…don’t stop generally, 18 hour days on average… and laughter is great! don’t stop lauging, or one day you’ll turn around and realised it’s been ages since you proper laughed, I know people that never get to laugh anymore, take life too seriously. life is v v serious, but you have to accpect you can’t change everything and go with the flow…

yay hyper people who laugh!

however, don’t do it because you like the reaction you get, do it because you enjoy it…sod everyone else!

Answer #4

Drink energy drinks and stuff lol

Answer #5

man im usually hyper I drink a lot of cola o.O and laugh at stuff for no reason o.o

Answer #6

no I defintally don’t have adhd or add, because I am only hyper when I am with my bff’s. other wise I am ussually kinda shy,

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