Shall I still go gtrick or treatin ?

well… im 13 and I still dress up and go trick or treatin lo I know its silly but its allso fun and I get really hyper of all the sweets (:

Answer #1

Yea you shud!!! because its only for one night and it will be a bit of crack with your friends!! And maybe you mite get some cash!!! xD

Answer #2

mate I 20 and I love taking ma kides out trick or treating I have a 15 year old son and a 6 year old son I love taking then becouse I love do it ma self it a bit of fun it the one day of the year I can act like a kide so keep do it and try not to grow up to fast right

Answer #3

ya you can go! I think I know some people from school who are going. I know some people last year who went and theyre around 13

Answer #4

sure why not.. its always fun to go trick or treating..I mean I still trick or treat and im 15…have fun in your life..if you want to trick or treat then do it

Answer #5

13 was the last year I trick or treated. and dont 4get, when your done trick or treating, you can always eat all the good treats you buy 4 your home. haha

Answer #6

im 18 and im still going

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