
I’m always bored lately, I have made new friends online but still have nothing to do when I’m not on the internet. Any ideas for me?

Answer #1

Call your friends or go to the mall with somebody you like and (if you are a girl.)Then go try on cute fancy dresses your size without paying for them!I’ve done it,it’s a blast!!!But if your are a boy,then you can go to the movies.(that works for a boy or a girl.)Hope that helped!!!

Answer #2

Thank you, I’ll give the scrap book a go, I have a friend moving soon so I can get pics of her! ^-^ here’s a bunny rabbit for the advice :P (___/) (=^.^=) (“)—(“)

Answer #3

Make music videos or fun videos…dancee t your favouritee songs…drink redbull and get hyper—you wont be bored anymoree then!x! xxx

Answer #4

Perhaps make a scrapbook with some photos you may have, I have to make one for college, and am actually enjoying doing it as I can be as creative as I want. Hope this helps :)

Answer #5 haha(:

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