Bible and the Homosexuality

I know this is simular to a question asked just a few hours ago but its different.

If the bible said nothing about Homosexuality would Christanity still be aginst it?

Answer #1

“Freaks of Nature.. No body was designed to do Both.. So if some one is born with Both parts.. then that is not normal.. So being born wanting to be with the same sex is wrong.. It is something in nature that went wrong..”

“Same sex adopting is another no no.. why turn a kid that is straight into a gay Dood.. I mean if you live with two Guys that are showing love.. then as a kid developing from a baby.. you will inturn become gay to as this is what you see as normal..”

You can’t have it both ways. Are homosexuals “freaks of nature”, or is it learned?

Scientifically, sexual preferences are largely or entirely genetic and developmental. But science and nature don’t make value judgements: there’s nothing intrinsically ‘wrong’ about it (or anything else). We as a society have to decide what our own rules are. Personally, I’m for a libertarian “your rights end where they interfere with another’s” attitude, which puts sexual preference firmly in the realm of “your own business”.

As far as it being “not normal” goes, nature disagrees with you there. A wide range of species show homosexual behaviours - humans are far from the only ones.

“Take a Small Country.. Call it Gayland and send them all there to die out.. Im not homophobic..”

If you’re not homophobic, I’m the pope. What is homophobia, if not the bile filled hateful screeds you’re posting?

Answer #2



Answer #3

amblessed, you REALLY should site your sources, or SOURCE in this case. And cutting & pasting from ONE website, isn’t research.

Answer #4

then again thinking of it they probably wouldn’t beicz they are indeed brainwashed mindles zombies who can’t thin kfor themselves & need to be told what to do so they chose a book made of scripture from sacrifical primitives blah

Answer #5

“Sorry to whoever said stop living in the past . but your so wrong Evil will always be Evil in Gods eyes . and sin will always seperate you from God.”

Still stoning adulterers and unruly children, not wearing cloth of mixed fiber, and avoiding anything not kosher, I take it? Or have you decided those are rules for the past?

Answer #6

More than liley. The bible states nothing of homosexuality between females, just males, but they still bash the females, so, again, more than likley.

Answer #7

yes because as christians were called to try to become like christ an unachevable task I know but meaning without sin and if christ didnt do it it is sin

Answer #8

urgh do you know what I dont get? So god said respect everyone and stuff..but your not aloud to be gay? Theres nothing wrong with being gay!!! Everyone who dont agree needs 2 stop living in the past :)


Answer #9


The bible doesn’t say anything about stem cells or evolution specifically. A lot of the objections Christians have against modern ideas like those are derived from Christian ideas, not generated from a specific mention in the bible. And no, I’m not saying homosexuality is modern. So… damn man, tough call. I’d say people could find reasons to hate anything. Quoting religion’s just easier because it gives the hate some weight of authority.

Answer #10

fau, they do fit anything can fit almost anywere we as humans have evolved enough to realise this same sex relations ships are just as important as different sex relationships because they have every right as we do to expirience love, and sex, ect weather there male, female, transexual, transgender, gay, lesbian, bisexual, bi curiouse,or a hemaphrodite…were all human and if you want any respect for what you beleive in its time you started respecting other people for what they beleive in

Answer #11

its a pretty complicated issue really, although for some christians its not, they are just completely against it. However, the Catholic catechism states that God is not against homosexuality exactly but that they should be celebate, the reason being the same as why the Catholic church is against contraception which is that sex should have the possiblity of conceiving a child. When you think of it like that, infertile heterosexual couples should be celebate too so to be honest, even though I am Catholic, I cant see any straight forward responses to homosexuality. Basically, I just think it comes to to the individual and im not going to judge people for their sexual orientation. Its not hurting me or anything

Answer #12

then they really weren’t gay to begin with, if you’re gay there really is no going back from it, not so often does it happen. Usually people who do “turn” from it are just bi curios or just rebeious & thought they’ld strike back that way. I was born a lesbain, my first crush was on a girl. Though I started looking at guys I still prefer girls most of the time. It’s not something that cab be easily turned away from. The only thing that will ever turn me is if I find the PERFECT man that is better than the females I’ve dated, that’s usually the only way anyone “gets out of it”. But if we were to break up I’ld date females again.

Answer #13

AMEN amblessed! I couldnt have put it any better… God is the Same Today , tomorrow and forever more andHe DOES love ALL and wants ALL to be saved, but He cannot save the unwilling..those who wont turn away from acts of sin choosing to live a life pleasing to themselves than to Him, but ALL can be saved from our sins(no matter what that sin is) If ONLY we repent and change our ways.

Answer #14

christianity comes up with a lot of things the bible was written by man long ago and a lot of issues and things nowdayshave nothing to do with it its because of the really hardcore christians and god-followers that these kind of stupid thoughts occur the bible says nothing about as lot of things but just like it, people keep making things up christianity would still be against it because so many people like tv evangilists talk about it…there giving everyone the most incorrect ideas and thoughts they dont teach anything that people need to know, like tolerance or accepting, or even sex education in my opinion, homosexuality is fine, theres nothing wrong with it at all, there human, and they have rights, sexuality is all a part of being human you shouldnt be taught to hate it, you should be taught about it, and then about respecting and accepting peoples decisions

Answer #15

the Earth has only so much space for life.. we are overcrowding the plannet.. so its nature way of slowing down reporduction of humans.. Took people with dodgy jeans and made them Gay so they dont breed. after all evolution is the movement forward and improving the species.. gays come out cause those jeans are not needed nor wanted.. Gays are natures way of culling the human race.. So when you see a Gay person.. just know that you are better.. in every way..

Answer #16

As the answers here so graphically show, people will find a way to justify their prejudices, and use whatever support they can find. It’s not a matter of (some) christians being anti-homosexuality because the bible says so, they’re simply homophobic and use the bible as justification.

fau: Claiming that nobody” should be homosexual because of one incidence of abuse is absurd. There is a lot more heterosexual abuse than homosexual abuse, so logically we should all be gay, not straight.

“Gays are natures way of culling the human race.. So when you see a Gay person.. just know that you are better.. in every way..”

That has to be the most despicable and disgusting thing I’ve read here in a long time.

Answer #17

Yes, I think fundamentalist type Christians would still be against it even if it was not explicitly condemned by the Bible.

Consider that they oppose bigomy, even though the Bible presents it as perfectly acceptable and never once condemns it. They also oppose intermarriage with half brothers/sisters or 1st cousins - practices common in the Bible and never condemned by it.

They also tend to condemn self pleasure, though it’s not prohibited in the Bible either.

Modern Christianity is still heavily influenced by its ascetic roots.

Answer #18

If you go through some of the old Funadvice questions, your question have been asked many times before. You should type ‘Bible and the homosexuality’ in the Search box on Funadvice. Here’s a couple of them:

Answer #19

“Sorry I love Woman.. Thank God!!”

Which raises the very real, and scary, prospect that you will procreate.

Answer #20

great answer jazz. you rock.

Answer #21

firestorm that was dispicable

Answer #22

Alright, I’ll get a dictionary. From the American Heritage Dictionary: “ho·mo·pho·bi·a n.

  1. Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men.
  2. Behavior based on such a feeling.”

You. Are. Homophobic.

“But take a tree for EG.. If it is meant to grow ‘Staight” and you tie a rope to its tip and bend it. and fasten it to the ground.. will it not grow that way.. it can work both ways.”

This is called an analogy. Just because you can make up an irrelevant analogy does not make it accurate. There is absolutely no scientific evidence for “learning” homosexuality, and that you think there is just demonstrates your irrational prejudices.

Answer #23

No Dood.. Freaking hec.. Homophobic is the fear of a Gay man.. Get a dictionary.. Sorry but as you say…You can’t have it both ways. Are homos “freaks of nature”, or is it learned?.. Some gays are gay because they born that way.. But take a tree for EG.. If it is meant to grow ‘Staight” and you tie a rope to its tip and bend it. and fasten it to the ground.. will it not grow that way.. it can work both ways. . oh and me saying im not homophobic was in relation to… Im not homophobic.. I have no problem smacking the first gay Dood to try his luck with me.. NOT The gayland remark

Answer #24

Freaks of Nature.. No body was designed to do Both.. So if some one is born with Both parts.. then that is not normal.. So being born wanting to be with the same sex is wrong.. It is something in nature that went wrong.. Thank God they cant bread.. Same sex adopting is another no no.. why turn a kid that is straight into a gay Dood.. I mean if you live with two Guys that are showing love.. then as a kid developing from a baby.. you will inturn become gay to as this is what you see as normal.. Take a Small Country.. Call it Gayland and send them all there to die out.. Im not homophobic.. I have no problem smacking the first gay Dood to try his luck with me.. Sorry I love Woman.. Thank God!!

Answer #25

Certainly a Christian would not be against it if it were not mentioned - some research:

What is wrong with homosexuality?

It’s an abomination to God. He said this not once, not twice, but several times…and it wasn’t all in one breath, but was spread out over 1,500 years. In the beginning, God created man and then He created a woman to be man’s helpmate. I imagine that if God had thought homosexuality was okay, then he would have created another man…or just two women. But He didn’t, so that’s the beginning. When God gave the Law to Moses, He was very clear about the fact that if two (of the same sex) lie together, or “know” each other as man knows a woman, then those two were to be put to death, because “it is an abomination to God.” God also destroyed the cities of the plains (Sodom and Gomorrah and a couple of others) because of their proclivity to homosexual behavior. The men of Sodom even tried to seduce the angels that were sent! (Sounds like San Francisco.)

About 1,500 years later, God spoke through the Apostle Paul to re-affirm that those who practice homosexuality “shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Many argue that times have changed and we need to become modernized in our thinking. But the fact is that God is the rock. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Therefore, we can easily conclude that He has not changed His mind. Homosexuality is still an abomination to Him.

Now this does NOT mean that God doesn’t love homosexuals. He does, and He wants them to REPENT (turn away) from that which is NOT pleasing in His sight. Can homosexuals be saved? Yes, emphatically yes…IF they will repent (turn away) from that which is wrong. It isn’t the sinner that is hated; it is what he or she does (the sin). Is there such a thing as a Christian homosexual? No. You can either be a Christian, or you can be a homosexual.

“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them” (Lev. 20:13).

“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet” (Rom. 1:26-27)

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