Homosexuality and the Bible

Okay, first of all I’m heterosexual and I’m a Christian, but I don’t understand how people who call themselves Christians go and spit on gay people and tell them they’re headed for “eternal damnation”. What the name Christian means to me is someone who shows kindness and love to EVERYONE, especially those who are different than them. And it confuses me so much to read passages in the bible that seem so hateful and then I read another passage that talks about loving eachother no matter what.

Did someone alter some of the writings in the Bible to get people to hate homosexuals or was it always there? If it was, then are we just interpreting it wrong? I just refuse to believe that God would want us to turn our backs on people who love differently than we do.

What really pisses me off is when people use those few passages on homosexuality as an excuse to picket funerals and spread their messages of hate. It’s just sickening.

So what’s your opinion? Do you consider homosexuality a sin, and if you do then aren’t you being a tad bit hypocritcal?

Answer #1

Hi Whoop,

It sounds like to me that you’ve seen a lot of violence between so called “Christians” and the homosexuals. That’s too bad that people act like that. It certainly is not how a true follower of Jesus Christ acts.

Our God is a big enough God to make very sure His words, the Bible is pure in it’s teachings of Him to us. So you can believe what it says. And no it has not been changed…God is big enough to protect His word…rememeber :)

The Bible teaches us to love one another. It doesn’t say love them if they are cute, or love them if they smell good, are rich, funny . . . But love everybody no matter if they are the bum laying in the gutter, or someone who goes against your beliefs, like the homosexual lifestyle. We are to love all, but it does not say we should accept their lifestyle as good when God tells us that it is not. God wants us to help the lost find Him. Help them to abandon their sinful acts and come to God.

Jesus tells us in the Bible that the homosexual lifestyle is an abomination to Him, and enormous sin: “Is practicing homosexuality a sin? It’s in the Bible, Leviticus 18:22, TLB. “Homosexuality is absolutely forbidden, for it is an enormous sin.”

Here is a couple more verses: “Romans 1:26-27, NIV. “Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.”

“Can a practicing homosexual go to heaven? It’s in the Bible, I Corinthians 6:9, TLB. “Don’t you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshippers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his kingdom.”

Now, here is the good news: “First acknowledge your sin. Psalm 51:2-4, “Oh, wash me, cleanse me from this guilt. Let me be pure again. For I admit my shameful deed—it haunts me day and night.”

Second, Ask forgiveness —God says you can start over again. Psalm 51:7- “Sprinkle me with the cleansing blood and I shall be clean again. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. And after You have punished me, give me back my joy again. Don’t keep looking at my sins—erase them from Your sight. Create in me a new, clean heart, O God, filled with clean thoughts and right desires. Don’t toss me aside, banished forever from Your presence. Don’t take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me again the joy of Your salvation, and make me willing to obey You.”

Third, Believe that God has indeed forgiven you and quit feeling guilty. Psalm 32:1- “What happiness for those whose guilt has been forgiven! What joys when sins are covered over! What relief for those who have confessed their sins and God has cleared their record.

I hope this has answered your questions, if you have anymore fun mail me. God bless you.

Answer #2

The very core of Jesus’ teachings were about unconditional love to everyone, no matter what race, gender or sexuality they are. There will always be people who use their “religion” to try and spread their hatred for people who are different than them. It is the same story everywhere, people use fairly insignificant Bible passages to back up their prejudices. Remember, the Bible was written by men, and many of them, although spoken to by God, will have tried to incorporate the periods feelings into their teachings. I’m not saying that the Bible isn’t the word of God, but it’s best to take everything in context. The true message of the Bible is of love and forgiveness.

Answer #3

b1ff.. people are homosexual b/c God maade them that way

I dont agree w/ that. I believe that its a choice to be a homosexual. you werent born gay. it just doesnt work that way

Answer #4

“He is long suffering, and patient, and kind in his dealings with mankind. However, he is also a God of wrath, he can be provoked to anger. “

Why would he be angry and wrathful? Just because two people who happen to be the same sex love each other, and want to spend their lives together?

As I’ve said before, your god is one cruel and vengeful sob.

“The ones that accuse Christians of sins… do you not realize that everyone of us will be judged??? Christians and non Christians??? alike…we will all be held accountable for how we lived our lives, with or without Christ, we are still accountable. “

Siverwings, of course we don’t “realize that everyone of us will be judged”, because we know we won’t. And if I am wrong. and there truly is so guy in the sky judging us after we die, then I will suffer the consequences. Because I would want nothing to do with the sick, sadisitic god your book describes.

Answer #5

beautiful2for2: said “until people can find a verse in tha bible that states homosexeuals can not enter heaven then I believe we are not sinning more than any one else.”

How is this?

“Can a practicing homosexual go to heaven? It’s in the Bible, I Corinthians 6:9, TLB. “Don’t you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshippers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his kingdom.”

Romans 1:26-27, NIV. “Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.”

Is practicing homosexuality a sin? It’s in the Bible, Leviticus 18:22, TLB. “Homosexuality is absolutely forbidden, for it is an enormous sin.”

Answer #6

silverwings - I don’t want to do away with god or the bible. my father and mother believed in god, as did the rest of my family. you are welcome to believe what you want. I just don’t agree with you. what I do want to do away with is the cruelty that some use to describe homosexuals. I think that for orion to declare that homosexuals ‘received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.’ (Aids? )’ is horrible. I would think that you would deplore this statement also. fine if you think that homosexuality is a sin. I don’t. fine if you think that the sin of homosexuality will send you to hell. I don’t.

I just can’t believe that you, as a christian, would support that statement. your silence implies support. so now god punishes homosexuals with aids before death and then condemns them to hell after death.

Answer #7

actually captainassassin I do know a lot. im still friends w/ them but even all of them believe its a choice and that they werent born being gay. they actually agree w/ me.

Answer #8

orion said - “It sounds like to me that you’ve seen a lot of violence between so called ‘Christians’ and the homosexuals. That’s too bad that people act like that. It certainly is not how a true follower of Jesus Christ acts.” “The Bible teaches us to love one another. It doesn’t say love them if they are cute, or love them if they smell good, are rich, funny . . . But love everybody no matter if they are the bum laying in the gutter, or someone who goes against your beliefs, like the homosexual lifestyle.”

this is how orion answered another question regarding “is homosexuality a sin”…

“Are you a Christian? If you are then you probably read the Bible? In there it talks about that lifestyle as an abomination unto the Lord…and ENORMOUS SIN.”

“ Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.’ (Aids? )”

“You see, the Lord does not make sin and the homoseuxal lifestyle is an ‘enormous’ sin. It is a choice, they are not born that way, no matter what they say, they were not born that way, they’ve chosen to do it by choice, which goes against God.”

“Yes, these laws are made to identify as sinners all who are immoral and impure: homosexuals, kidnappers, liars, and all others who do things that contradict the glorious Good News of our blessed God, whose messenger I am.”

so lets take a long look - today’s answer… love one another, christians that commit cruel acts against homosexuals are not acting as a true follower of jesus christ would act, the bible teaches us to love everyone, love them even if they are homosexuals…

the previous answer was not quite so loving and forgiving… ENORMOUS SIN (in capitals, no doubt), homosexuals receive the due penalty for their perversion, which she states is AIDS, homosexuals choose to be gay because god did not make them that way, and she lumps homosexuals with kidnappers and liars…

let’s read the complete works of orion’s view on homosexuals and then decide if some christians are hypocrites…

can you imagine ANYTHING more hateful than saying that homosexuals “received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.’ (Aids? )”

Answer #9

The push nowdays… is to do away with God and the Bible… entirely.

That is what is happening… you can read it in the posts…

Clear to see, that man… wants to do things mans way… always has… always will…

However, Christians will continue to believe the bible.

and they will continue to share what is in there, with others, for this is Gods command.

Each person will answer to God, for what they did with the word that came to them.

Jesus came to offer salvation.

If we sin, after receiving salvation, he deals with us.

He is long suffering, and patient, and kind in his dealings with mankind.

However, he is also a God of wrath, he can be provoked to anger.

No one likes to think about that part of him. But, it is just as real, as the love is.

When the woman was caught in the act of adultry… Jesus forgave her sins…

but, he said, Go and sin, no more.

If we do not receive the grace that he offers, we will stand alone, on judgement day.

If we continue to sin, after having received his mercy, we will have to pay the penalty.

God did not create us to sin as we do, in fact, there was a time, when he repented of even making man, because of the sin.

He judged the earth once, by wiping out all mankind, with a flood.

There are all kinds of judgements recorded in the bible.

There has been so much love preached, that no one has the fear of God anymore.

Mockery takes the day.

It is a Christians job to warn people of what the bible says, whether they mock or not.

To offer the hope that it offers, as well as the counsel.

To show what sin is, that is why the bible was written to begin with, so that man could know God.

Everyone has the choice as to whether they choose to accept the bible as truth, and to accept what God offers, so willingly, or they can mock, and reject his counsel. It is up to each one. We all have the same decision to make. Do we believe it, and live it, or do we disregard it, and ridicule it?

The ones that accuse Christians of sins… do you not realize that everyone of us will be judged??? Christians and non Christians??? alike…we will all be held accountable for how we lived our lives, with or without Christ, we are still accountable.

Jesus did not spill his blood, so that man could do what he wants to. No.

NO… He did this so that man could be saved, from his sin.

He showed us what sin was.

He inspired the authors that wrote the book, so that we could know his will.

We have no excuse.

We know what the rules are, and what the penalties are.

We are given a choice.

Our choices, determine the consequences.

Answer #10

Believe in God, Believe in yourself. If you only source your faith and information from a book…well we have all heard of the saying, that not everything you read is true…The thing that I’m getting at is the bible, you have to research where the bible came from and who wrote, and why it was translated, who translated it and for what purpose. I believe that god has faith in you to do the right thing, and make the right choices…Loved by one loved by all

Answer #11

im pretty sure the bible states that gay people go to hell…y do you think the athiet and agnostic religion is so0o popular these days=P…

theres a reason why men AND women were created…

Answer #12

I dont agree w/ that. I believe that its a choice to be a homosexual. you werent born gay. it just doesnt work that way

You don’t know many then, do you?

Answer #13

* “if your a Christian you alread believe in the Bible correct. “

rneal, that’s one heck of a bad assumption. It’s a small minority of Christians who consider the Bible to be inerrant.

Answer #14

I personally believe that parts of the Bible are associated with the time it was written in. Like the way it looks at homosexuals and women. This was back when women had barely enough rights to lick the dirt off their husband’s sandles, and now we can become president. It was written when homosexuals were killed on the spot for kissing a man, and now homosexuals have come a long way. I think we should just pay attention to the overall meaning of the Bible, which is to love your neighbor and believe in God and Jesus with your whole heart, rather than picking apart every single sentence to find some sort of “hidden meaning”. I believe that God makes people a certain way for a reason, and homosexuals won’t be going to hell just because they love someone of their same sex.

Answer #15

actually captainassassin I do know a lot. im still friends w/ them but even all of them believe its a choice and that they werent born being gay. they actually agree w/ me.

Well, you only seem to know ONE kind.

im pretty sure the bible states that gay people go to hell…y do you think the athiet and agnostic religion is so0o popular these days=P…

That’s vague… there are plenty of gay Christians out there, as well as heterosexual atheists and agnostics. And the Bible doesn’t say ‘gay people go to hell’

Answer #16

I couldn’t have said it any better.

The worst is a site that I won’t name because it makes me sick to think about. They have a photo of Mathew Shepard surrounded by flames, with a countdown of how many days the “fag” has spent in Hell.

These are hardcore Christians who run the site that I’m talking about. not saying that every Christian is like that, but I’ve noticed many of the Christians (even on this board) spit out more hateful language than anyone I’ve ever met. Not even just toward gay people either, toward ANYONE who is different than them (Muslims, gay people, Jehovah’s witnesses, athiests, etc).

It’s hypocritical and sad.

Answer #17

Ameoba, that was an excellent study in the hypocisy of a religious zealot…

They are so entrenched in susperstition and mysticism, they don’t even realize how contradictory they are being.

Even if you accept that christians are supposed to love the sinner and hate the sin (something they rarely do), it only means they will leave it up to their “benevolant and loving” god to exact revenge on the sinners by placing them in eternal damnation. Goodness knows they already had to love them while alive, they certainly shouldn’t have live with them in paradise.

That is one sick and cruel god they have there…

Answer #18

your right, I call them “over religious bigots” etc etc

because they are as I said “OVER religious” and they just push their religion right in your face

personally I dont believe in heaven or hell, I dont believe that we should worship anybody

I do believe in a God, but we are only on this earth to feel negative energy since God himself cant feel them himself

Answer #19

umm ok I am bisexual and I am also a christian and I don’t know I am one of those really religous people although I didnt read tha entire bible. yet I do everything I would do if I were striaght. make mistakes and ask 4 forgiveness. many people say its against God b/c he made adam and eve not adam and even or adema and eve so I do hear that often. but if it is a “sin” and God forgives all sins we are excepted by him. I believe that he said everyone has the chance to go to heaven if they believe in him and that what happened was true…so I do that and I believe that I am going to go to heaven. I don’t know this is a really good debate question.until people can find a verse in tha bible that states homosexeuals can not enter heaven then I believe we are not sinning more than any one else.

Answer #20

I do think that it is a sin. it says in the bible that it is. but I do agree w/ you.

but we all sin so I dont necessarily think that when you are a homosexual you go to hell or anything. because its a sin just like lying or stealing. which im sure ALL of us on here have done. so I dont think that christians should look down on them. its wrong. hope this made sense. haha


Answer #21

whoopsies222, if your a Christian you alread believe in the Bible correct. . . The Bible condemns Homosexuality several times in both the old and new testament. The practice is condemned also by Jewish and Islam teachings. you can still be put to death in some middle east countrys for it.

Answer #22

…not that I actually WANT you to kill your friends. I just want you to understand that the Bible does in fact, contradict itself sometimes. And I don’t know of a verse where it states that all homosexuals are homosexual by choice.

Answer #23

I am glad this is no longer locked. The bible also said it was ok to stone people to death as punishment for certain crimes. It is a book written by flawed men. Zealots will pick and choose the parts they want so it can bolster their myopic view of the world.

Answer #24

you know what, people who HATE like that is just a straight up sin. They aren’t even christians. Theyre hypocrites.

Answer #25

I think God just wants us to be happy.


Answer #26

where does it say that?

Answer #27

Christianity is one big, contradictory, hippocritical mess. Get used to it.

Answer #28


Answer #29

Christians for the most part do not hate homosexuals only their lifestyle it is called time and time again an abomination in the holy scripture. This thread is being locked since it is turning into a flame throwing contest.

Answer #30

How can homosexuality be a sin? People are homosexual because God made them that way. I know a gay man who is now a minister. Throughout his training and all through uni he prayed and prayed to be “healed” from his homosexuality. He went to a faith healer and still, he is a homosexual. How can someone say that someones sexual orientation is sinful, when a man, who is so passionate for God went to such lengths to be “changed” and wasn’t? If God didn’t want people to be homosexual he would’ve allowed this minister to become heterosexual. And orion, heterosexual people can get aids too you know, whether they’re married or not.

Answer #31

The Penalties For Acts Of Immorality

Leviticus 20:13

Answer #32

Oh, and one other thing…

its not biblical. and im a christian so im going to go by the bible

Okay, go by the bible then. The bible says you’re suppose to put your gay friends to death. Are you going to? After all, it’s the ‘biblical’ thing to do…

Answer #33

I still believe that you arent born gay. its not biblical. and im a christian so im going to go by the bible. you dont have to believe what I believe I simply said that I didnt agree w/ that. so you can stop trying to debate w/ me on this one. im not going to change my opinion.

Answer #34

:) you know what I love… The hypocrites, the people who bash homosexuals and others never respond to questions like this…

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