his age isnt an issue for me...

Ok I am a minor and I’ve been involved with a 27 old for the past yr. I have really deep feelings as welll as a great connection. I am often mistaken for an 18 or 19 yr old, im mature fir my age. I know it sounds gross im still a child yu know im a teenager I should be focused in school. I get honor roll and he incourages me to follow my dreams towards med school. Now my mom and dad are 10 years apart but they got together ofcorse when my mom was of age and legal.. See my problem is I already found him but am I really to young to deal with the critizism that people will give me? please feel free to let me know good or bad. Thanks so much

Answer #1

as longg as it doesn’t interfere with your school work or at home it shouldnt matter, if hes not changing you than it makes no difference for me age is just a number and theres no numbers in the word love

so go for it bby guurl(: if he makes you happy and treats you right nuhtin else should matter

Answer #2

alright so I know what your going true and the last thing you wanna hear is you can be friends or wait it out I reele think thats B.S the heart wants what the heart wants you just have to be sneaky abt it because I wudnt want to see my man go to jail because I cudnt wait the right age

Answer #3

you can be friends with him. just don’t get romantic.

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