How can I hide my cutting from my mom if she checks my body for cuts?

Answer #1

Not do it? :O

Answer #2


Answer #3

how did you cut your self ?

Answer #4

Why are you cutting yourself in the first place? That’s horrible.

Answer #5

You MUST get Help for it…..will not go away on its on….do it for YOU & future memories…..

Answer #6

make an exuse of why she shouldn’t check your body or try covering them with a conceler or fondation

Answer #7

I was going through the exact same thing. It wasn’t easy. The people who are saying “not do it” and “that’s horrible” are being stupid. No offence. You can’t just not do it.. It’s not as easy as that. For some people it’s an addiction. When my mum asked if I had been self harming, I lied and said no. So she asked to check my body and I just straight away told her the truth.. Before she could see them. I told her that I have been cutting and I would like to get help. So we went and got help. Which is what you should do because you can’t just hide your cuts forever. It does get better, I promise. If you need to talk to someone, you can funmail me anytime. :)

Answer #8

Yeah no hunny. I went through the same thing as well, I was diagnosed with depression and had to live with it for a long time. I had actual reasons for my depression such as things from my childhood that I’d rather not mention and so I self-harmed for a few years. I know what it’s like, believe me, but I’ve grown up now and realised that cutting didn’t solve anything and I shouldn’t have done it. So don’t go judging and calling me stupid because you didn’t like my answer. Have a nice day. :)

Answer #9

Don’t take it personally, love. :)

Answer #10

Ive been through that.. Try to get help first.. It’s hard but will work out.. I didn’t need help though. I was able to stop. For the time being, i think u should tell her the truth. But concealor, or foundation works.

Answer #11

Why does she check u and where does she check u do it in the places where she doesn’t look or don’t do it at all for a while then she’ll think u stopped and then do only small ones that u can blame as falling down or other accidents or wear bracelets or other stuff to cover them up.

Answer #12

Why does she check u and where does she check u do it in the places where she doesn’t look or don’t do it at all for a while then she’ll think u stopped and then do only small ones that u can blame as falling down or other accidents or wear bracelets or other stuff to cover them up.

Answer #13

Why does she check u and where does she check u do it in the places where she doesn’t look or don’t do it at all for a while then she’ll think u stopped and then do only small ones that u can blame as falling down or other accidents or wear bracelets or other stuff to cover them up.

Answer #14

dont do it its not worth it believe me i went through it

Answer #15

dont do it its not worth it believe me i went through it

Answer #16

dont do it its not worth it believe me i went through it

Answer #17

First of all don’t do it hun! Its not worth it. Band aidsbcould help but your pretty screwed .. Sorry!

Answer #18

tell her you can sort it out

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