Should my boyfriend move?

Ok so my boyfriend was gona move but then he decided hes not going 2 right now, he might in a few months but he says that he doesnt think so. I am 15 and he is 17 and my mom said he can move in cus my parents trust me and him and they know that we are not going 2 have sex 4 a long time, so she said that he can move in cus his family is driving him insane and is horrible 2 him and he said the only reason that he might move is 2 get out of there house. If he moves he will have 2 live in a car with 1 of his friends a state away, and he says that hes gona drop out and then hes gona work, but he says if he lived with me he would stay here and wouldnt move and since its ok with my parents im jw if he should? Im just scared that it will ruin are relationship, but im not sure. PLEASE HELP!!!

Answer #1

Hm… your boyfriend moving in with you and your parents. I think it’s a little awkward. I think it’s good though that your parents trust him and offer a place for him to stay.

You have to consider some things:

  • If you’re comfortable being with your boyfriend with your parents at home all the time
  • If you and your boyfriend is comfortable with the no sex rule. (I imagine that maybe you two would move out together when you’re 18)
  • What if your boyfriend upset your parents in some way? How would you and your family deal with it?
  • What if your parents change their mind after awhile and decides that he should move out?
  • That your relationship might be closer after he moves in with you, but will also get kinda boring and bland to see him every day.
  • Would you mind seeing your boyfriend every day when he’s not so in his best image? E.g. morning breath, messy hair, etc?
  • Would you two be sleeping in different beds? In different rooms? How different would he be than a roommate to you?
  • Can you stop urges to kiss each other in front of your parents and all that? Do you think you and your boyfriend would feel controlled after awhile?

I think you can imagine the other kinds of scenarios that might pop up. Just make sure you, your boyfriend, and your parents have discussed it all and are cool with it before he moves in.

Answer #2

It shouldnt ruin the relationship, just make sure you two take time to spend with each other, and make sure you get some time away from each other. There needs to be a balance or else you’ll get sick of each other. Try to stay positive when speaking to each other and sit down and explain your feelings every once in a while. Have some sort of time schedule and take time out if you’re feeling testy around him.

Good luck with the living arrangement. :].

Answer #3

Ok thanks anyelse have any ideas on how 2 keep are relationship good after he moves in???

Answer #4

Ok thanks anyelse???

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