How to keep myself from overeating?

I want to get pregnant so I am trying to lose 39 lbs by July, my problem is how many calories am I supposed to eat and how do I stop myself from being hungry with only eating the recommended number of calories?

Answer #1

people will have you believe that being overweight stops you from getting pregnant…old wives tale hun it dont stop you from getting pregant…if however you want to loose weight,,dont eat after 6 oclock in the evening,and just have normal meals without snacking durring the day,eat sensible,,things that really work for me on my diets are,,,any meat you wish to eat as long as its oven cooked or grilled,fish,brown bread,salads,you can even eat things like curry or spag bol,but your daily allowence on bread is 3 slices a day,so if you have a pasta dish deduced one peice of bread as bread and pasta is high on fibers and only so much will work on a daily controlled diet..if you fancy a treat,a small amount of ice-cream is allowed,or a packet of winegums or even friut polos just to help you have some sweet things you may think your missing ( you are allowed all this I’ve liste above while on this particular diet) you can even have bacon egg and tomatoes,but make sure your egg is poached (small amount of water in the bottom of a frying pan ‘’water’’ instead of the fat,with a small amount of vinegar let it heat through and drop your egg in the pan untill cooked) brown bread dipped into the jucies on this meal is tastey…stick with this and you will loose 1stone a month,its worked for me for years. good luck with both the pregnancy and weight loss…

Answer #2

I’m guessing you’ve had a dr or whatever telling you to lose 39lb?

it works out to losing about 2lb per wk, which is very achieveable. excercise more and cut back on cal’s. maybe your dr can reccomend how many calories you should eat. or you could look on the net for a BMR calculator. that will tell you how many calories you need to eat to keep your body running. it doesn’t include what you burn off during excercise.

Answer #3

umm…try buying some go ahead bars there really healthy and low in calories !! try not 2 think of yummy thingss…n eat some fruit …at first it will b hard losing weight but a few daily dance routines and exercises and you feel feel like a new person seriously it worked 4 me after bout 4 days !! gd luck on losing weight and CONGRADULATIONS 4 if you have a baby :) xx

Answer #4

If you don’t eat much along with exercising you will not lose weight. Food is the fuel to losing weight. Not eating slows your metabolism. If you feel hungry, drink water or chew a piece of gum.

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