Her parents don't let her have a boyfriend

Ok so me and my girlfriend are plannin to tell her parents that were 2gether bcus her parents don’t let her have a boyfriend.and she is tired of all the rumours about her…we are planning 2 tell them but the point is that I’m the 1 that’s gonna do most of the talking and I don’t know what 2 tell them or how 2 ask them if I can be with their daughter…can anybody please help me out I have no idea how 2 ask them and especially when her parents are strict with her…please help me out!

Answer #1

Dress nicely, I.e. no baggy clothes, use the words “Sir” and Ma’am” a lot, look her father in the eye and say “With your permission Sir, I would like to date your daughter” Be a gentleman and continue to be one even when her parents aren’t around. Don’t use slang or cuss words around her parents, don’t mention sex, and promise to have her home early. Then deliver on that promise. If you show yourself to be a decent young man her parents will like you and be proud of their daughter for having such good taste in men. Good Luck!

Answer #2

Just tell them how you feel about her and let them know that your not like most dudes.You want a relationship w.her but you want it to be okay w.them.No Secrets. Just say what you feel. Of Course this will only make it worse if you ever were to break her heart Thats what they are protecting her from.HEARTBREAK! It Kills and it changes innocent girls and can cause them to lose focus on the main priorities. Which would only lead them to tell her “I told you” so when you two are all said and done.No one ever wants to hear that. Just stay on your toes because if they do allow it they will be watching you.Be easy and collect all your words.Say what you feel and mean what you say it will be fine… My boyfriend had to tell my mom he had a baby that was about to be 11mnths.lol She took it fine you never know they might not be as bad as you make think especially since you want to sit and talk w. them it shows your mature/respectful. GOODLUCK

Answer #3

first thing - remember they are people. they’re not a “higher power” so don’t be nervous on talknig to them. and just assure them that you are responsible and it’s an experience for both you and their daughter

the parents probably want to test you so make sure you act mature and strong. not some scared little kid. show them you can step up to the plate and handle things. but be sure not to be too aggressive.

you’ll do fine. jsut make sure your girlfriend will back you up when you need it.

Answer #4

0kay yeah. Tell them all of that ^ just don’t stay on the topic to much of sex because that will worry them, and the whole time dont be talking about you guys and your feelings for her so much because then they’ll think bad and they’ll think that your going to take her away from school my mom hated when my sisters boyfriend did that,but do let them know how you feel, so make sure you talk about your self most of the time make yourself look good without trying to impress them so hard and at the end be like “So I would like to know if you please give me permission to be with your daughter I wont disrespect her.” oh and the beging be like Hi my name is… & ask them about their name… hope I helped?

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