How to lose weight in a few days?

you guys I need to lose a lot of weight by the 12th of dec. aaahhh help me!!! what should I do? I need fast replys…

Answer #1

Wow, thats not a lot of time… the only way of physically losing any significant amount of weight would probably be liposuction, or to cut off a limb or two… do you need both your legs? :P

Seriously, I don’t think its possible to lose any meaningful amount before that date this year. Certainly even resorting to Anorexia or Bulemia is not going to make you lose the weight in time. So, I’d recommend not worrying about losing weight since there’s nothing you can do, just be comfortable with yourself and your weight :)

Answer #2

well you can go on a diet and exersize a lot… get a yoga or polaties tape they usually work and relaxes u. but do NOT starve yourself please just eat portions and eat slow it makes you full faster… hope I helped ~kaitlyn~

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