Having sex with birth control?

I was just wondering how long I need to wait to have sex after starting birth control. The thing is my boyfriend really wants us to have sex (and so do I) and we’ve decided birth control would be the best way to go since he is actually allergic to the material in condoms (trust me, I seen it for myself).

But I was hoping for this weekend and I can only get birth control on Saturday which means I’d be on it for a day or less before I have sex.

Answer #1

You won’t like this but the recommended waiting period for most hormonal BC pills is ONE FULL CYCLE - that means 3 weeks of the active pills (the fourth week has non-hormonal pills - basically sugar pills).

Is the chance of pregnancy worth rushing it?? NO Have him use the Polyurethane condoms - Trojan Supra is one. Or natural membrane condoms (“skins”, “lambskin”) are also effective for preventing pregnancy. (Natural membrane condoms are not as good in stopping the spread of some viral STDs, but since you are already planning to raw dog it, you can ignore this warning.)

Also, what your boyfriend may be sensitive to is the spermicide Nonoxynol-9, in which case non-lubricated condoms may be the way to go.

I know that you both want skin-to-skin, but use one of the alternative condoms above until you have waited the required time.

Good Luck!!

Answer #2

You have to wait 10-14 days (depending on your pill) before you can have sex.

Furthermore you will be unprotected for the first withdrawal bleeding that you have.

Oh and research about birth control before you go on it. It’s not something to mess around with without knowing what you are taking.

And you do get condoms that are not made from latex. Until you pill is active use the other condoms.

Answer #3

wait a week… use a condom still tho. the pill is effective yes, but things happen… STDs, Pregnancy, etc can still happen even after taking the pill

Answer #4

I believe it is two weeks of active pills before it is safe to have sex…but you need to be sure contact whoever gave it to you, or even planned parenthood

Answer #5

well when you start the pill, you have to start it on a sunday, soo no matter how bad you want to have sex, I say wait for next weekend, waiting longer is better anyways

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