What would happen if we have no moon?

or if it gets hit by a meteor and breaks apart, will earth still be habitable?

Answer #1

The earth would be out of balance so to speak and the moon is mainly responsible for our tides so we would have much lower tides.

Here is a site explaining it in easy detail: http://funadvice.com/r/14mbi38bsr4

Answer #2

Without the moon’s pull, our earth would spin faster, causing incredible storms and destruction.

Answer #3

I seen a special on that and I do believe it said we wudnt survive if the moon where not thr, it wudnt be habitable, the conditions wud be to extreme, the moon keeps us tilted if I remember correctly

Answer #4

oh thank you . thats a good website. Its crazy though to think that the moon (that is in free fall) actually has that much affect on us.

Answer #5

yeah its crazy bc we have so much hope on something that could be knocked out by a meteor just like that and were done

Answer #6

its crazzyy thanks for commenting!

Answer #7

Our moon is quite large relative to the size of the earth. Any cataclysm large enough to strip us of the moon would no doubt have severe consequences for earth. If it were to magically disappear many species that depend on tides for their food or lifecycle would die out.

We are actually slowly loosing our moon. Since the earth rotates faster than moon completes an orbit the tidal effect is that the spinning earth is speeding up the moon and sending it to a more distant orbit and the moon drags the earth’s rotation makes its day longer. Every year the moon becomes about 1-3/4” farther from the earth and the earth’s day gets about a hundredth of a second longer. If you live to be 100 than your last day on earth will be about a second longer than your first.

Answer #8

That is pretty scary.

Answer #9

Considering that the moon is only a few percent the mass of the earth I believe their scenario to be quite exaggerated. No doubt it would have wide ranging consequences but not on the order they suggest.

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