Son is grinding his teeth during sleep

my 13 month old son has started to grind his teeth a little bit in the last couple of days. it sounds so sore!! he has started the flu in the last 2 days, so I think it might have some connection (they say when your stressed or aggitated you grind your teeth). im just worried he will get into a bad habit of it!!
anyone experienced the same thing with their baba’s?? and if so is there any way of preventing it?

thanks :)

Answer #1

It was a phase for my kiddo. Since a 13 month old can’t tell you what is going on, (if I were you, I would…) just wait it out. If he continues to do it when he is two, take him to a dentist and see if you can get a guard for small mouths.

Answer #2

I spoke to my mum, and she says I did it. I agreewith the other 2, don’t panick. Might just be something natural is kids with fast growing teeth or something.

Answer #3

my little one grinds his teeth (very annoying and creeps me out!)

speak to a dentist to check no damage is being done, and unless you want to put some kind of ‘guard’ in his mouth, there’s little you can do…

as gennaglessnerr says, they do it sunconciously…don’t panic!

Answer #4

ask him whats wrong ask him does your teeth hurt? then go to the dentist

Answer #5

There are grinding guards you can buy at the pharmacy, to protect his teeth from getting damage and filing down.

Answer #6

I doubt this will help, but my little sister started grinding her teeth when she was asleep at about this age.. and she still does every now and then and she’s 12. I don’t know if it’s a bad habit, because she’s not aware she’s doing it. I know it’s pretty normal though. If your really concerned about it, then take him to the doctor(:

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