who thinks this world was created by god or just was thereor created by “evolution”

Answer #1

by God:))

Answer #2

God- no question

Answer #3

two dust particals colliding !

…who told you THAT?

Answer #4

I have one word for you GOD! plus why did’nt you add me?!!

Answer #5


And you have WHAT proof???

Answer #6

To answer your question, I believe in evolution.

ok if I had a watch and I smashed that watch into pieces and buried it .1,000,000 years will pass it will remain an old broken watch.it won’t majically transform into a monkey it just will not

I don’t remember anyone arguing that a non-living thing can evolve

but if all this is fake why is it still strong…I’ll tell you because these”fanatics”.have built there life on a corner stone

It’s still strong because many religions have been passed down from hundreds and hundreds of generations as strict forms of beliefs. And the motive that drives almost every religion is “Fear”. Every religion has a good guy(s) and a bad guy(s) –> Good vs. Evil –> portrayed as an eternal struggle in most religions. A Catholic reverend once told me that you sould love God, and FEAR Him at the same time. “Feel his love, and FEAR his wrath!” he told me. And I agree with you (reverend666) on the point you made about living right. I read the bible for many years and was very inspired by the knowledge and wisdom displayed about being a good person, and how to live a fullfilling life. I have no problem with stuff regarding this in the bible. What I have a problem with is the brainwashing that occurrs to most people who take their religion seriously. “Evolution is impossible because the bible says so”, is what I’ve heard from a multitude of Christians. They automatically reject the theory because the Good Book says so. I’ve even heard some people rant about flaws in science, such as the scientific theory. By taking the bible so seriously, they can never view the world how it truly is.

Answer #7

“evolutions just a theory”

no its proven fact for, from fossils, scientific papers from past decades, and even modern times. dontoworryok is right (I think) something might of pushed us into existence, but it doesn’t care now and was never involved with us, just the universe starting. O AND ncbr0330 SAYING EVERYTHING IN CAPS DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE!!!

Answer #8

Reverend call me anything you like, if it make you feel better. I would prefer facing facts and reality. Really wish you’ve watched National Geo lately :-) Found evidence of dwarf like people. Arived on eiland as normal size 1.7m humans and evolved at a incredible speed, within 3000yrs they shrinked to dwarfs, because of poor nutrition, protein shortage etc, extremely interesting. Only shows the evolusion theory being a fact.

Answer #9

ok if I had a watch and I smashed that watch into pieces and buried it .1,000,000 years will pass it will remain an old broken watch.

…actually it WOULDN’T be a watch anymore… its pieces would be shifted, rusted, broken down, erroded, pulverized, and potentially melted, depending on local geological activity. Or the molecular material could also be processed by local subterranean organisms, enriching the soil for future plant life.

If you’re trying to make a reference to the ‘scientific estimate’ of the evolution of life, you’re off by ohh… at least 4 BILLION years. Leave it in the dirt THAT long, and ‘watch monkeys’ are just as likely to develope as any other monkey.

Answer #10

if you go your whole life believing in God and your wrong what have you really lost.a few drunken parties afew lovless one night stands.the reason people believe.is because hope is unexstinquishable.

Reverant, sure hope your not telling us here, that xtians dont drink themselves in pieces or bugger around??? Cause 95% of the people in my x church dont miss a drink and party till da end, 50% of people in sects is having afairs, either with each other in church or the pastor.

In short it mean, dont tell me stories about xtian churches, I HAVE BEEN there !!!

Answer #11

God is the creator of this World. God is the creator of everything. In response to the homosexuality comment- God gave human beings free will, and they can do with what they want, even if it is condemned biblically. Evolution isn’t necessarily a lie- there is microevolution and macroevolution. Macroevolution is the whole concept of humans evolving from apes, into homohabilis, then homoerectus, then homosapiens (or whatever the order is), which I believe is wrong, because I believe God created humanity in his own image. Microevolution, however, is on a smaller scale- if a group of people with pale pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes were to move to the Sahara, over time their bodies would genetically modify to have darker skin and darker eyes- microevolution is the changes that take place to adapt one to one’s environment.

Short answer: God created the world. My grandfather was not an ape. Evolution does exist, but on a micro-scale, rather than a macro-scale.

Also a note: the reason “homohabilis” etc etc are written without spaces, is because I got shut down for using a banned word- I.e. the first four letters. It’s almost sad how the world has gotten so “politically CORRECT” (haha), that one cannot even use a scientific term on a blog? Puh-lease.

Answer #12

“I believe the account in the book of Genesis ! - God is the Creator of all.”

Which one?

“Scientists have recently found an actual language or message in a language alien to humans inside of our dna structure. They are now suggesting that we were genetically altered monkeys… basicly saying that aliens found the most intelligent animal (monkeys) on earth and altered their genetics to make neanderthal, cro-magnon, and homosapiens”

Nutcases may say that, but scientists don’t.

Answer #13

god was commenced by ignorant people thousands of years ago who didn’t even know what the frikken sky was.

The idea of god is as illusional as the Earth being in the center of the universe.

And walker_between_worlds no, just no. I didn’t find credible source for your claim. There is no reason to think that dna” is alien in origin.

Answer #14

“but hey! what do I know…reverend” clearly not very much about your own religion

Answer #15

I vote evolution!

Its more scientifically found.

Answer #16

Why would she want that?

Answer #17

Well, the evidence for evolution is overwhelming. There isn’t any evidence for any gods, so I don’t believe in them.

Answer #18

And those who actually believe the genesis story is true as it is described in the bible, I have a bridge in brooklyn I’d like to sell you.

LMAO Jimahl :-) good 1

Answer #19

Considering there is not one shred of evidence to prove the exisitence of god or a creator, and there is overwhelming evidence supporting the theory of evolution, the answer is quite obvious.

And those who actually believe the genesis story is true as it is described in the bible, I have a bridge in brooklyn I’d like to sell you.

Answer #20

To all you religious/spiritual people out there: If god/allah/budha made humans, when were they really made then, 2000yrs, 4000 years or 6000 years ago? If you might think Adam and Eve were the FIRST humans, then they should have been born in East Africa, like evidence now proof, first humans originate from??? Which all of us know, didnt happen. Do yourself a favour and watch National Geography, Earth: The Power Of The Planet, All of these are very factual, no fiction or faith involved. This could help most or all of you to discover Evolution and how to build your life on facts, based on the history of our world or Planet :-)

Answer #21

I beleive in evolution and evolution and religion/god have nothing to do with each other

Answer #22

Scientists have recently found an actual language or message in a language alien to humans inside of our dna structure. They are now suggesting that we were genetically altered monkeys… basicly saying that aliens found the most intelligent animal (monkeys) on earth and altered their genetics to make neanderthal, cro-magnon, and homosapiens… homosapiens being their most successful experiment. that is why no missing link has been found. because their is no missing link. then when they found that we were capable they had us mining and building for them. their are heiroglyphs of alien ships and other technologies in the pyramids. so I guess I believe in alteration lol.

Answer #23

I was thinking of this the other day. God created everything. Evolution is just change. As far as the homosexual comment, God created Adam and Eve and they were given free will. He told them what to do and they did not follow it. DNA may have something to do with it. Man is always altering and modifying things that God did not intend on. No science or man could create people or animals, the sky, the universe other planets and such. Keep that in mind.

Answer #24

Evolution didn’t create “this world” because evolution doesn’t purport to describe the formation of planets. Astrophysics created this world.

If you mean “what made life on earth what it is today”, then the answer is unquestionably evolution. The evidence for it is practically unassailable.

“Honestly I think we need to stop researching so much of how things came to be, and concentrate on the life you have NOW.”

We have the life we have now - with all its technology and modern conveniences - precisely because people research how things work and come to be. If people had followed your advice 500 years ago, we’d still be living in the middle ages.

Answer #25

Evolution doesn’t “create” the world. Evolution is the theory of natural selection and evolving Minute changes over thousands, millions of years. I think you’re getting a bit mixed up.

but I do believe in evolution- there’s so much evidence to suggest so. Also heather 0518- if God is the creator of all thing then God must create homosexuals, something that the bible is strongly against?

Answer #26

actually I believe this world was and always will be.. not speaking of earth of course cause it will eventually burn as the sun expands. but I believe in something called m theory which states that there are an infinent number of universes each different.. but it is true that we are unique and have been lined up in a seemingly infinent number of perfect circumstances for life.

Answer #27

hmmm I believe that god did create the whole universe, but I believe that evolution got us to where we are today…

Answer #28

Evolution is what it is, but believing in a greater powered spirit, like god really works! Religions gonna fade when people start understanding.

Answer #29

GOD !!! <3 <3 <3 He created EVERYTHING !!!

And as I read one quote few just this morning.. it says: “God decides who you will mary even before you get born, you just meet the guy who you will spend the rest of your life”:

Pretty cool ha? love that quote :)

Answer #30

God, and evolutions just a theory, but also I think that God could of created evolution. Honestly I think we need to stop researching so much of how things came to be, and concentrate on the life you have NOW.

Answer #31

I can’t just choose one. I’ve been asked this question so many time and it’s always the same answer. I mostly think God created the universe. but evolution may have played a small role in it.

Answer #32


Answer #33

I believe both God created the first animals or the first dust or elements and allowed them 2 evolve in2 other beings

Answer #34

I say god

Answer #35

I believe the account in the book of Genesis ! - God is the Creator of all.

Answer #36

GOD <3333

Answer #37

GOD, no doubt about it.

Answer #38

GOD = creater of all things.

Answer #39

I believe in evolution and all the scientific facts that prove it.

Answer #40

Religion exists for one reason only, the sheer fact that everyone needs to have something to believe in its natural to desire the belief of some higher (greater?) being looking after them. Also, the belief that once we die we shall go to a wonderful place and meet with all of our deceased loved ones—who wouldn’t not want to leave here and live with all of our loved ones who left us early. Religion has been saying that the world is coming to an end for thousands of years! Haven’t seen it happening—should we be watching the skies our entire lives waiting for Gabriel to come down?? Also, more wars have started and shed the blood of probably thousands, all in the name of religion. No wars have started because of the concepts of evolution or Atheism. What gives there.

Its hard to know what to believe. Do I like the fact that we evolved from monkeys? No, but at least this theory is able to be seen visually. Its not a “spirit” that lives in our heart
Evolution is concrete—it can be seen, smelled, touched. Religion being based on a spirit who has not been seen since the day he died, rose from the dead and then ASCENDED (rose, flew?) into someplace in the sky called Heaven**? I find all of that very hard to swallow.

I’m still thinking there’s a better and more logical reason for our existence it just hasn’t been found yet. Give it time!!

Answer #41

Well, just gotta throw in my two cents. If there is something, why instead isn’t there nothing? Answer me that in a complete and literal sense with absolute proof, and I’ll go Atheist, I promise.

Answer #42

evolution ?? ha big bang…wht a loda crap ! two dust particals colliding ! form the universe ! if so thing would be poping up all the time ! say if this was the case who made the particals ?? GOD !

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