Does evolution deny a God?

Evolution is, fundamentally, based on the fact of death. Does this deny an omnibenevolent God?

Answer #1

That answer can be found in God’s Word, the Bible….it’s up to each person to either believe/accept or not believe/reject what is written.

Answer #2

Evolution is a scientific theory that uses the experience of life and death, offspring, and such things to explain how complex beings came to be and to be so well adapted, in general, to their envrionment. As such, it has nothing to say about God: God is not a necessary premise.

The Christian God also, interestingly, uses death to show us what life is about. Jesus came to be fully human, including his own death. Our God takes death and shows us life that comes through it, a fuller life. It also takes what is and explains what is not so obvious. It offers us a much more basic, more complete vision of what the world is about. That’s why we base our life on our faith, while there are few who base their life on evolution.

They are not in competition, unless you have committed yourself to the inerrancy of the Bible, including the two different stories of Creation given in Genesis. But that’s another question.

Answer #3

Not really. The problem that many religions have with the Darwinian philosophy and belief of evolution is the part in the beginning. The major religions want to tell you that man was “poof” made into super versions of what we have become today and that we have declined over the centuries to this current state. Evolution says that we came from more basic mammals that came from more basic lifeforms millions of years ago rather than the “poof” theory that has us appearing many thousand years ago. This is the fundamental difference with the major religions and evolution believers.

I believe that honestly both of the beliefs start with a fundamental basis of “death”. Using the Christians as an example you can read that God made one person, then two, then mortality was introduced as well as the ability for man to proliferate. Evolution is based on the “growth” of species to adapt. The energy in a mammal to be able to love is a big reason why mammals took over the earth because of their ability to form family structures and bonds. Darwin never sought to kill god or religion. He just added a new twist that introduced the possibility that man had changed some information in the biblical texts for one reason or another. This does not disprove any religion, it merely backs up the fact that man always tinkers with things to do what they think is “best” for everyone. Why don’t you think politicians never tell you the whole truth or choose to use information that they might not truly believe is true but is the most plausible at that time?

Answer #4

No evolution denies logic. Simple fact is there is no evidence for evolution in the fossil record. Actually there is more evidence for something being called “punctuated equilibrium” in the fossil record. Now I do want to make one thing clear- micro-evolution (a species adapting within its own species for survival like the peppered moth case) is not what I am talking about. Darwinian Macro-evolution (one species adapting, not only into different species, but different phylum as well) is completely absurd, and there is no fossil evidence for it.

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