Who can give me advice on why the world won't end in 2012?

I am really scared of the world ending, in my lifetime. There is a giant shift in out neigborhood road, and our state’s first flood was this year. the Mien calendar also ended in 2012. :( I am really scared… and to me this is serious.

Answer #1

2012 is nothing more than when the mayan calander ends, its just another stupid rumor like when everyone thought the world was going to end in 2000, and guess what…were still here.

Answer #2

Well techinally the world could end tommorw if there was a nuclear explosion. If you are refering to the Myans its because people misinturpted the callender. The myans have a callender that ends on December 21,2012 which is the date that the callender resets itslef. All callenders evuntually reset and that is when theirs does. People are making a huge deal of it as well becuase all the planets “May” allign together that date. Someting that occured 21,000 years ago and the world didn;t end than obviously.

Answer #3

Well there is also the Bible code. That gives some good evidence as to why it might end.

Answer #4

That doesn’t help. :(

Answer #5

It isn’t something to be afraid of, death is something everyone has to face, if that’s why you want advice on it.

Answer #6

no, but I am really young…. and I still want to go to college and have a family and naturally die by old age. :(

Answer #7

sorry fictional books are not a source for me

Answer #8

Who said anything about fiction? The Bible is quite real my friend, and I hope you see that. I agree eded I’m really young to. Part of me kinda hopes it’s true so we can be done with this world and go be with Jesus. But part of me wants to finish what I started here too.

Answer #9

oh great bible lovers. Sorry I do not belive in the bible I have my own free thinking. Sorry but unlike most religous people I am tolerant to other people if they don’t belive what I belive in.

Answer #10

Who said I was being intolerant? I was saying I hope God opens your eyes…. I wasn’t trying to shove my religion down your throat. There is no reason to mock us either.

Answer #11

The Bible is opinion. Some people go with it, and so don’t. It doesn’t weather you do or not - we are all the same human race and there is nothing you can do to change it. The non - denominational world is at peace. ( I hope I did not offend anyone) I dont want to make anybody mad or offended.

Answer #12

and I agree with both of you.

Answer #13

see to me having someone say that I hope my eyes the same as telling me to belive in what you belavie. I don’t belive in god and want nothing to do with anything relious as stated with my main tattoo.

Answer #14

Ok, I said “I hope” I did not say “Believe what I believe” which means I hope your eyes are opened. It means I know I probably can’t do anything to change your mind, but I still hope you find what’s true, ok?

Answer #15

lets not create conflict. :)

Answer #16

I’m not trying to. I’m saying what I mean and I’m meaning what I say. Andrew keeps creating a bit of conflict or is tryng too

Answer #17

well to me whats true is not religion I get extremly offened when people try to use that kind of talk. If I wanted anyhting to do with your imaginary friend I would go to chuch. So next time think twice becuase some people want nothing to anyhting religious.

Answer #18

I am not religious at all. I don’t go to church either. All I wanted to know is if the world shall end in 2012

Answer #19

Then you shouldn’t of gotten into this conversation and made a fool of yourself! And next time think twice before you insult someones religion

Answer #20


Answer #21

No, Andrew

Answer #22


Answer #23

You’re asking us to prove a negative? It’s like saying prove unicorns dont exist. Prove the easter bunny doesnt exist. Uhm no? Also, seriously, even if the Mayan calendar does end there, so what and who cares? It doesnt mean anything. Prophecies dont mean anything. If the world is going to end then the world is going to end. Why should you feel better about that? If it isnt going to end, then it isnt. Seriously, either way, it doesnt matter. You could die tomorrow. And then the world could end in two years. Sorry, but I have no sympathy for random hysterics. No one knows when you’re going to die. Deal with it.

Answer #24

so harsh…

Answer #25

Perhaps. But there’s millions of people worrying about where they are going to live and where they are going to get their next meal. So my sympathy lies with them.

Answer #26

the only way is if the sun explodes(i dont think it will happen when any of us r alive if it happens at all). or if god decides he wants to which i hope he dose not. i dont believe in the 2012 stuff at all.

Answer #27

If you are christian, the bible states that no man will ever know the date of the end of the world. You could believe that god would change the date of the end of the world if we (humans) guessed it. Some people believe that. Personally (this may just be my ignorance…) but I think the whole Mayan calendar thing is a load of cr@p. Like, yes, I believe they existed and had a calendar, but did we really expect them to carry on their calendar for infinity? Like wow. Some poor bast@rd had to write the calendar out- they didn’t have technology back then- and his little hand probably got tired >.< Also yeah I have heard about the planets aligning, but with all of our telescopes and brainiacs at NASA, if something big really was going to happen, they would be evacuating us to the moon by now. Honestly, you have nothing to worry about. Think back to the year 2000- people thought the world would end then too because calendars didn’t continue from 1999 to 2000, but it was all good. A big anti-climax, the calendars just clicked over to 2000 and life went on. Please don’t worry about this. You will be fine, we will all be fine. Personally I think the irony will be that we will destroy our own world with global warming, greenhouse gasses etc. But no need to worry that won’t be in your lifetime, or mine, or our children’s.

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