How can I stop my addiction to p*rn?

Hi, Im married to my woderfull wife of 5 years. but lately I find myself addicted to internet p*rn. Luckyly it has not efected my marrige but I MUST get rid of this habbit before its too late! My wife and I are best friends, we disscus everything, but when contemlaiting talking to her about this im affraid that a woman will only feel cheated on by this, especially being that she does do everything to fullfill my needs and I love her and want only her, (eaven I myself find it baffelled that im addicted).

1)do you think I should talk to her to get her input? 2)how do I fight this addiction?

Answer #1

Counseling will be a way for you to explain your addition and receive the help you need / want . And I think you would feel and understand yourself so much better - ASAP

Answer #2

Just a suggestion, but is there anyway that maybe she would like to join you in watching it?? My ex-husband and I used to watch it together often and found it very erotic. I myself would feel “cheated” on if you were doing it by yourself and keeping it a secret.

Answer #3

I have the same addiction, my girlfriend doesn’t have a sex drive like I do so thats why I looked at porn, when she found out I looked at porn she was pissed and called it cheating. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings anymore so I talked to her about it and she helped me stop…So talk to her about your problem before she finds out I hope I helped you out

Answer #4

You have a very big problem and one that will be very hard to break without taking drastic measures and by that I am referring to certain medications. If that scares you, good because it should. What you have is more than just a psychological problem so sit tight while I try to explain. The first step in breaking any habit or addiction is to first understand it. Addiction to p o are n or any type of s e x, e.g. fetishes, mas tur bation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, etc. has it’s roots in Classical Conditioning. If you aren’t familiar with Classical Conditioning just type it in Google and read up on it. You will be fighting against something that is both “psychological” and “physiological”. What happens with men is when they mas tur bate and view po are n o graphy or any s e x ually stimulating pictures at the same time they are conditioning themselves to having the most intense physical pleasure they can have while looking at these images, (usually female images except for cases of homosexuality). So when you try to quit you are actually fighting against one of your body’s natural functions or instincts, the instinct of survival by procreation. Men are supposed to get turned on and desire having sexual intercourse for the survival of the species but this was meant to be a part of marriage. If you just mas tur bated without viewing any images you wouldn’t have become addicted to po are n, etc. but unfortunately men are visual creatures. We have all done it. It’s hard not to in the culture we live in today but I’ not making excuses for the addiction. I would suggest you first try mas turbating without looking at any visual images and keep your libido satiated that way and by having intercourse with your wife. In prison they have given men convicted of sexual crimes the hormone “depro provera” to quench their libidos but that would ruin your marriage.

Answer #5


Addiction to p*rn is just as serious and harmful as addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, shopping, etc. It’s a compulsive behavior that is psychological.

First of all, it’s time that you talk to your wife about it. If you have some research on the diseases of addiction, you can explain to her how it is a mental disease, much like the other addictions above.

Next, you need to seek counseling. Believe it or not, there are counselors, treatment centers, treatment programs, books and all sorts of support groups and information out there for people suffering from p*rnography addiction. Be proactive, talk to your wife, and get the support and help you need.

Good luck.

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