Why is it that in french, some objects are considered female?

others male? how does that classification happen? Another example would be when people call a car a she, or a boat a she, how does that happen?

Answer #1

That’s just the way french works. All objects are either male or female. I asked this when I first started learning french at school. My teacher was actually french and he doesn’t know either, it just is.

Answer #2

You have linguistic gender in Spanish, Italian, German…other languages I’m sure, as well.

How does it happen? Not sure to be honest…in Spanish for example, other than latin derived words, it’s simply a case of the ending vowel being a for feminine, and o for masculine.

In English we also have some amount of genderification of objects…eg, boats are usually “She” in English, and Chairman was the common term until excessive political correctness made it “Chairperson” :)

Answer #3

My French teacher just says- that’s the way the language works. There’s no answer, really.

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