Foods that make me full

I feel hungry all the time. I feel like I am over eating. What kinds of food make you feel full?

Answer #1

Bread is good, but it’s also full of carbohydrates…the bad ones. Don’t eat too much or you’ll just add to the weight.

Sorry rayray11. =/

Answer #2


im like realy healthy and have a good diet

I’ve notaced that they are good sorce to keep yoyu full :]

Answer #3

Just eat a bunch of bread, cause that takes a long time to digest, so you won’t get hungry as fast!

Answer #4

Just eat a bunch of bread, cause that takes a long time to digest, so you won’t get hungry as fast!

Answer #5

well for breakfast even though it might not soudn apatizing oatmeal fills you up a lot. I actually like oatmeal.

Answer #6

just one little slim fast bar, and you’re full for a while. I learned this by missing lunch at school one time. my friend only gave me half and I didn’t need anything for a few hours.

Answer #7

Potato is a very filling and comforting food to eat, but I don’t mean chips or crisps. Either baked potato or mashed potato is usually the most filling types of potato. You could also try certain things like buttered wholemeal bread, muesli, porridge and rice. These foods are a lot healthier than some other options, although too much bread can cause bowel problems. I hope this helps you. =o)

Answer #8

water. and so does popcorn! yummy

Answer #9

More fiber in your diet will keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Here’s a guide:

Answer #10

Anything with fiber. The more fiber, the quicker you’ll feel full. Only problem is you’ll end up sitting on the toilet for a long time because you’ll be constipated.

Answer #11

bread, a burger, and water… I’ll think of something else when I’m not suffering from a headache that’s killing me!!

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