First Song

Good, Bad, Okay, Worst ever, Hope I never have to read it again? How do you like these lyrics?


Verse 1. She lives another day knowing what he does putting it all away and acting like it’s all ok when only she knows that it’s not and never will be she loves him and she knows just how much it hurts her pysically to reject that fact infront of him and she knows in her heart that she won’t make it if she stays but can’t get the courage to leave him she feels too guilty without a sound she smooths as if to sooth the scars they both left behind.

Chorus She is sick of the abuse that motherfu*ker can’t control himself and trust her she does all she can and even she knows that it’s not enough to control him put your foot down they all say as if they know the hell she lives in every day but they won’t and hopefully never will understand as fully as she does herself only she knows the horrors that shes seen and the only one that controls her well being just like he controls how many days she has to stay inside and hide the marks he left behind.

Verse 2. For support she lets one person fully inside her life the only one she trust to help her stay hidden from her life she loves him and he knows how much he hurts her but he understands that she does all she can to help herself and yes he has stood up to him but that only puts him in the same situation he sees now how much emotional support she needs from him and he loves her back and she knows that he’s desparet to steal her away from that monster and hopes he sucseeds some day.

Chorus She is sick of the abuse that motherfu*ker can’t control himself and trust her she does all she can and even she knows that it’s not enough to control him put your foot down they all say as if they know the hell she lives in every day but they won’t and hopefully never will understand as fully as she does herself only she knows the horrors that shes seen and the only one that controls her future and well being just like he controls how many days she has to stay inside and hide the marks he left behind.

Verse 3. She knows now that he has to stay with her for the rest of their days but does not want to risk their friendship so she says nothing about wanting to be taken away he does all he can but knows it’s not enough to make her happy but little does he know what she is about to do she gets her things packs them all away she knocks on his door and tells him everything and she can’t stay but she needs to know how strong his feelings are for her so he leans in but she pulls away in fear of how he might get hurt if she stays

Chorus She is sick of the abuse that motherfu*ker can’t control himself and trust her she does all she can and even she knows that it’s not enough to control him put your foot down they all say as if they know the hell she lives in every day but they won’t and hopefully never will understand as fully as she does herself only she knows the horrors that shes seen and the only one that controls her future and well being just like he controls how many days she has to stay inside and hide the marks he left behind.

Verse 4. They both need to get away they drop all their things and run for days just to go away they end up together in the end and never once had an arguement she is glad he tried so hard and she never pulled away from him again her past did catch up with her one day and she did take a trip to the hospital but he held her hand on the way and of course that made it all ok they never did find him but he got the hint that he should quit while he was ahead so they worried no more about him

Chorus She was sick of the abuse that motherfu*ker learned how to control himself and trust her she did all she could and even she knows now that it was enough to control him put your foot down they all said as if they knew the hell she lived in every day but they won’t and hopefully never will understand as fully as she did herself only she knew the horrors that she saw and the only one that controled her future and well being just like he controled how many days she had to stay inside and hide the marks he left behind.

Verse 5. (Tyler talking as he holds her) It’s alright now Brook it’s all over he’s never coming back and even if he did I won’t let him touch you ever again. I am sorry about how long it took me to relize and understand how hurt you really were I hope that I am never that blind again. I know that nobody understood what you lived with and that there was no likely way to get away without being killed by him. I know that you came near that when you were with me because of him but let me promise you never again.

Answer trufully but take it into concideration this is the first song ever by me and it’s probly not going to be that good. (I already know that) Thanks to Tyler for being there for me no thanks to Shawn (of course) also thanks to Onoxvslink for I guess inspiring this horribly written song but hey it’s a start.

Answer #1

Hmm…I like it.

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