Is there still a chance to stop faking my way through school?

I think I have a problem. Im 19 years old and in my second year of college. I realized that throughout my education I’ve been taking the easy way out for everything. For tests I would just memorize stuff and not actually learn the material thoroughly. I never really read the books we had. I am now finding it sort of hard to talk like an adult without sounding like a kid. So my question is.. Is there still a chance for me to catch up and be really smart and not “fake” smart? Do you think since I’ve made it this far in school that maybe I am smart or is it that I really just faked my way all these years? or am I just going crazy..

Answer #1

Having done much of the same as you have I can honestly say that you are never too old to quit taking the easy way and really apply yourself. It takes a lot of smarts to pull off being “fake” smart. You still have to know something about the material in order to bluff your way through a test. But do you really want to keep cheating yourself?

Bluffing your way through life doesn’t really make your life any better, and you just make yourself feel bad for doing it and again because of the people you hurt or let down. I learned early enough that its really easier to do the work and less trouble than trying to cheat or bluff my way through things. Plus there is the feeling of really knowing the answer when you’re asked a question instead of the panic of how to fake your way out of the question. Sooner or later it will catch up to you and you’ll regret it even more.

I guess what did it for me was an old saying I heard once. It was said after a time when I really thought I had fooled everyone.

“It’s better to be silent and thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

It told me that I didn’t fool anyone, and that the joke was on me for having tried.

Good luck. Make a good choice.

Answer #2

You’re doing just fine, just from here on out - when a subject is covered, if don’t completely understand what was just said or meant, ASK !! - make sure you’re clear as you go - there is definately no such thing as a stupid question - had I not done that, I could have never achieved what I did…I wish you every success !!

Answer #3

yes! you just need to learn how to find a study time and place if you get wat to ancy then find a room with nothing in it then it will make your books more fun.

Answer #4

Hello…Its amazing but I think maybe you have answered your own question…You have written a verbally and punctuated long question beautifully that you have thought about. In my estimation,you are a very well mannered and educated person.Stop Worrying!!!

Answer #5

Its never to late to make improvements in your life. Start by paying closer attention in class. Sit down and think about the areas you want to improve and focus on them a little at a time, nothing happens over night. You are at a turning point, you want to be seen as an adult now. Everything that you need to learn isn’t always in a book although education is very important. I think you are smart and have the potential to be even greater once you put your mind to it. You are normal, we all get to a point we slack off, the difference is knowing when it’s time to step up and make changes and you’ve realized that. Good Luck.

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