evil hampster

is there anyway for my hampster to stop trying to bite me whenever I got into his cage?

Answer #1

pay it more attention and it will get used 2 u

Answer #2

or maybe grab a tranqualiser… that might work… I think… lol

Answer #3

yeah pay it more attention and you are probably tgoing up behind it. dont do that because it scares them. but if it is just biting you when you try to pick it up regulalry then put a glove on put a peice of food in your hand and lay your hand in the cage. the hamster will approach and get the food and sniff your hand and get used to it then you can work from there.

Answer #4

Chances are he’s not getting enough attention or you aren’t approaching him the proper way.

Answer #5

chances are if hamster is biting you then you are jumping or quickly jerking your hand back which affirms, in the hamsters mind, that yes that was something scary and I did the right thing by biting it. Dude just put on a glove, and the when your hamster bites at you you can just calmly push him away and continue cleaning the cage or what ever your doing in there and eventually hamster will see that it is not such a scary thing after all and when he stops biting at the glove, you can start taking the glove off and getting him even more used to your hands..

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