Eniglish 3/10

OK so I did this English project, and looked at my grade online and I got a 3/10! I don’t know why, because I thought I did a good job, but when my mom finds out, she’ll yell and scream, and when I try to tell her what happened she won’t believe me because I got a history in lying, and I need help in 18 minutes. FAST

Answer #1

In addition to Bianca’s suggestion, you might want to talk to your teacher and find out just what went wrong. That will help you do better next time, as well as show your Mom and your teacher that you are really interested in doing better. Good Luck!

Answer #2

what the point you carnt change it babe teell yourr mom nicely and jsut sit her down tell her that you will try to retake the test and do better and tell her yyou thought you did ok and show herr prove to her your not lieing :S(Y) x

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