eating and nightmares

is it true that if you eat right before you go to sleep that it causes nightmares? I realized a small pattern since I’ve been doing that lately and two nights in a row I remember having nightmares. the thing is that I only ate things like bagles with cream cheese or a sandwich.

Answer #1

I don’t think it’s true…The reason why anything is different after you eat is b/c your blood is around your stomach trying to digest your food and isn’t in your brain as much as usual. So im not sure if it really causes nightmares. You may just think about it when ou go to sleep and it gets to you. So go to bed thinking youll have good dreams no matter what =) and thanks for answering my ?…Im returning the favor!

Answer #2

no only meat and stuff you had a nightmare because some one told you that so you started to think about it thats why you have nightmare remember meat and stuff make night mares

Answer #3

I like bagels because they taste good But if you eat bagel right before you sleep you might have a nightmare or a dream about a bagels This doesn’t affect some people

Answer #4

With some people I know it can affect them ,and with others it dosen’t ,so I guess it depends on the person.

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