Why do i have a dramatic decrease in appetite?

O.K. I’m 15 and i’m overweight. Some months ago i ate regularly and now i barely feel like eating anything and i start to feeling nausia when i smell food. I don’t throw up at all. I take vitamins about once or two times a month, which i don’t think is much. My mood isn’t very bright, i keep being bullied by my family and they always want me to do something for them like clean the dishes and yell at me when i don’t clean other people’s junk. NO, i am a virgin and have never have sex, so i’m defiantly not pregnant. School is fine, i like being there then anywhere else.

Answer #1

Maybe you’re stressed, some people say when you’re stressed you eat a lot and gain weight, but at times people can not eat at all cause of stressing out which is true cause I don’t eat a lot when I’m stressed or even feel hungry at all. or maybe you’re falling into depression where you are not in the mood to eat anymore, that has happended to me.

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