Drama showz

do any of yew know of a drama [asian drama shows] where a american or someone falls in love with a asian, or something like that.. im just ehm, curious of how da drama would be… and a few of my friends want to watch one like that toz..

Answer #1

ummm… anime?? InuYasha!! that’s my favourite!! I love the love scenes, and it can get pretty dramatic. episode 148 & 149 (part 1 & 2) is very dramatic!!! I can’t ruin it unless you ask me, but I’d start off with those two. I don’t know why they’re so far ahead when really it should be the first two episodes. seriously though. if you watch it, you’ll get it.

Answer #2

Tila Tequila?lol

Answer #3

hahahahhahahahhah tila!! man thats funny

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