Does being vegetarian help you lose weight?

I’ve been trying different diets forever, but none of them work. I really don’t want to get into that whole anorexic or bulimia thing, but what’s a healthy way to lose weight? I heard somewhere that being vegetarian helps. is it true???

Answer #1

You shouldn’t be a vegetarian to lose weight, but you should if you love animals, or hate meat.

Besides, I’ve heard if you do it for a while, you throw up if you eat any, because your body isn’t used to it. You won’t be able to eat meat if you take the diet too long.

Answer #2

EXERCISE. And don’t look at is as a diet where the pain will eventually end; think of it as a change in lifestyle.

The body doesn’t need meat; it needs the nutrients that come with the meat. Spaghetti and pizza are actually good for you; it’s the sauce that you need to consume in moderation. In general, you should eat more carbohydrates (pasta, bread) and limit your fat (which comes with meat).

I like semicolons.

Answer #3

veganism helps you lose weight :)

Answer #4

not too sure. but it helped me.

Answer #5

I think that it will, but you really have to be careful to get enough suppliments in your diet such as protein and other essentials that you normally get from meat so that you don’t develop a deficiency and become sick. I’m trying it with you. Good luck!

Answer #6

Hmmm when you eat red meats I.e. HAMburgers, steaks, etc., it literally rots inside your intestines because our stomaches aren’t really meant to consume much of that nastiness. Personally, eating meat is disgusting and if most people had to kill, cut, slice, and dice their OWN chicken/piggy/cow, they wouldn’t! Becoming a vegetarian would probably be one of the best LIFE long choices that you could possibly make for yourself. Think of it as a treat from you to you, your body will thank you! Here’s a great article on other benefits of not eating meat:

Answer #7

The simple answer is yes, being a vegetarian will (eventually) help you lose weight. If you’re just becoming a vegetarian, chances are you’ve been consuming a diet filled with processed meats that contain growth hormones, antibiotics, stress and trauma hormones (from the animal being kept in stressful, abnormal conditions and suffering a rather traumatic death) and animal byproducts/fillers that are not listed on the label. When you eat meat, you are loading your body with these toxins and unbalanced hormones, which create a kind of shock in your body chemistry and cause you to gain more weight. The growth hormone in particular, which is injected into farm animals to make them grow bigger and yield greater profits for the farmer, has the same effect on the human body, and will make you gain weight if you consume it. Switching to a vegetarian diet and drinking lots of water will help you body flush out these toxins and reset your natural weight. If you’re not ready to give up meat, buy and consume only organic/kosher meats. These do not contain the said toxins I’ve listed above, and will likewise help clean out your body and shed pounds. If you do opt for a vegetarian diet, be sure to replace the protein you’ll lose from not eating meat with lots of healthy raw nuts, seeds and beans.

Answer #8

Becoming a vegetarian won’t necessarily make you loose weight. Potato chips and soda are vegan but they aren’t healthy. If you eat too much rich food and don’t exercise you will be overweight regardless of wheter you eat meat.

Personally I started to eat a lot healthier when I became a vegetarian. I used to be very much a meat and potatoes kind of guy. I didn’t like salad or most vegetables. When I became a vegetarian I started to explore a lot of new foods and tastes. Over the years my tastes have changed and now I like all of the veggies I didn’t like before.

If you want to become a vegetarian for health reasons than look at books by Dean Ornish and Dr. John McDougall. Lots of good info in these books. Becoming a vegetarian isn’t a panacea though.

Answer #9

Being a veggie doesnt make you lose weight, the only thing it was good at was making me ill!! I gave meat up for a number of reasons but losing weight shouldnt be one of them!

Answer #10

I have been not eating meat due to just evaluating history and going back to basics when people did not have much of an obesity problem, and in some countries still do not or even for hormonal problems that time and time again I was unable to medically control, I started to look even ito biblical times, when meat was only really eaten on special occasions if that, have not cut out some dairy, however have only been buying organic non-processed foods and not eating suger-just honey lots of beans and instead of your normal bread- using gluten free breads- good one is Ezekiel 4:9 bread nothing but beans and water. And not eating garbage like chips and what not- just simply getting back to what people used to eat-its been a month, I cant say my weight has gone down, but I feel much more healthy already, not as tired, definatley not as moody, and overall really good with natural energy, I know that by being healthy eventually my weigh will go down, also seems as thought I have lost inches, things are fitting a lot better-hope this helps anyone:)

Answer #11

I actually gained a lot of weight when I attempted to become totally vegetarian. Instead of getting the protein from meat, I was eating more beans and nuts (which are a binge food for me). My diet became too high in carbohydrates, and I got back into the habit of giving into my sweet tooth as well as eating a lot more bread. Basically, I felt my meals without meat were just not filling enough and varied enough, and without the animal protein, my cravings for junk food were off the charts. I now practice moderation rather than total abstinence. I limit red meat to once or twice a week, then I have two chicken and two fish meals. I eat one or two meatless meals a week now which is painless and keeps my meat consumption to a more reduced and reasonable level. This combined with a daily 2 mile walk has resulted in steady weight loss, increased energy, and overall improved health.

Answer #12

I actually gained a lot of weight when I attempted to become totally vegetarian. Instead of getting the protein from meat, I was eating more beans and nuts (which are a binge food for me). My diet became too high in carbohydrates, and I got back into the habit of giving into my sweet tooth as well as eating a lot more bread. Basically, I felt my meals without meat were just not filling enough and varied enough, and without the animal protein, my cravings for junk food like chips and sweets were more intense. I now practice moderation rather than total abstinence. I limit red meat to once or twice a week, then I have two chicken and two fish meals. I eat one or two meatless meals a week now which is painless and keeps my meat consumption to a more reduced and reasonable level. This combined with a daily 2 mile walk has resulted in steady weight loss, increased energy, and overall improved health.

Answer #13

no not realy. I went on a veggie diet and it didnt help. The only thing that is going to help is a lack of calories and exercise,..face it! Body needs meat..just because you cut out meat dont mean your gonn alose weight. There are other stuff fatten like spaghetti..cheeesy pizza..nething like that that dont contain meat which is horrible for your bodyh!

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