does anyone know what this is

About it -on my chin -hot -very painful and hard

school is in 3 days im freaking out… if you know what it is or have a guess please tell me! this stuff just doesnt happen to me

Answer #1

it could be a boil if it feels like a really hard lump its probably a boil boils take about 2-3 weeks to go away and you cant pop them like pimples because there not filled with puss but it would probably be best to check with a doctor just to make sure ts not anything else

Answer #2

its probably a boil and if it is dont pop it! you can make the infection go deeper! its nothing to worry about if it is. if there is no yellow puss comming out of it its probably ok. but you need to keep an eye on it I wouldent rush to the docs yet unless you get a fever because it could mean an infection. or is it starts spreading. but I would give it a few weeks my husband gets boils once and a while and thats what it feels like. so relax! use make up!

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