Does anybody else see...

When I relax and focus on nothing I see what looks to be like mist, but it truly isn’t because it could be anywhere, harder to see in the dark but I could see it in the dark too. Some times it moves like a jet stream some times it just floats around every where. It can go through objects and radiates around objects most of the times attracted to them. I’m not saying it is anythign special I just want to know if anyone else sees it. I’m not calling it anything because I don’t know what it is and I doubt that anyone else does too. But I THINK it too be chi cause it looks like air but last I checked we can only feel, smell and hear air.

Answer #1

I see complete darkness. And then I always see something blue in the darkness. I don’t know… Eyes are complicated.

Answer #2

It’s your eyes playing games with you…

Answer #3

good chance you are just seeing the fluids or annomalies in your eyes. if you stare at something long enough (like a blank computer screen) you may start seeing things floating I front of or irradiating around the screen. its just stuff in your eyes

Answer #4

yeah your eys tend to play tricks on you like sometimes when I do that, I see colorful circles everywhere its nothing so dont worry about it

Answer #5

sometimes I see this too…I wondered about this too and I think its just particles in the air that are floating around. Its quite weird.

Answer #6

I’m going to stick with mozez answer just cus everything else cant b proven, thnx 4 the responses

Answer #7

You are seeing energy, I have always seen this, our worldis intertwined with the next world, an what you are seeing is spiritual energy, could be your spirit guides, could be loved ones that have past on that are just comming into your energy field, they do that especially around hollidays, notice if you don,t see a lot of activity at that time, but that is what it is.

Answer #8

chi and aroas.

Answer #9

yeppers sometimes

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