Do you ever feel like god is punshing you?

Do you ever feel like god is punshing you?

Answer #1

no bcus he dosnt satan does

Answer #2

No… because I don’t believe god exists.

Answer #3


…but many believers would love to…

Answer #4

I find, the closer you get to God (make the effort), the closer He gets to you.

Answer #5

yeah but its been a while since felt like that

Answer #6

*Ok people need to get things straight, ‘God’ would not and will not ever punish anyone, anywhere, EVER. Stop putting the blame on something you won’t encounter until you die and start taking responsibility for your own actions.

Unless you don’t worship him, then he sends you to hell.

Answer #7

God doesn’t hate or punish you , its just the result of what we do, if we do good we will gain good and vice versa, God is so merciful even more than our own mothers , God only wants you to be better

Answer #8

Ok people need to get things straight, ‘God’ would not and will not ever punish anyone, anywhere, EVER. Stop putting the blame on something you won’t encounter until you die and start taking responsibility for your own actions.

Answer #9

yea I have that feeling a lot but I sin so much I have no idea what for so lately I have been thinking about straightning my life out with god and getting to know him better and put all my trust in him because I know he will wrk things out…

Answer #10

What you see as punishment may be G-ds way of redirecting your life. You have strayed from the path of G-d, so naturally being the loving creator that he is will redirect you. I have suffered from pride, it seems like punishment but G-d but to be realistic about it I have learned through these trials how to become a better servant.

Answer #11

No, Zeus and I are BFF.

Answer #12

No, because I don’t believe in any gods.

Answer #13

Putting aside the question of the existence of god, you alone are responsible for your actions and the planning of your future.

Life is not easy and you will always have something that will bring you down, but what matters is how you approach the situation - do you continue to wallow in self pity and blame something/someone else (e.g. ‘god’) for the situation you are in, OR do you accept the situation, pick yourself up and make the best out of it?

It’s true, sh*t happens and it’s a cruel world, but try not to let these negatives block your way forward… be flexible and move around it.

Answer #14

Yes, I use to think God hated me, because of that I started looking into other “beliefs” and now since I no longer believe in the all mighty.. I feel everything in my life is a lesson, and where my life goes from there depends on whether or not I choose to learn…needless to say I’ve been livin happier for 4 years now :)

Answer #15

if there is a god he doesnt like me much. 1 misscarriage 2 rounds of chemo and cancer with a baby on the way. I am a good person and I believe in karma. am I mad, sure but I have faith in myself and thats all I need. you believe what you believe and if there is a god when I die me and him are going to have a little chat.

Answer #16

Do not think that God and human being are at the same level. Go home and try making one small island for youself. Where am I to create sands so much sand whithout taking the sand from other place to make your island. Go to school, college or university. Do you think . that they just give you the certificate, diloma or things like that by just siting at the hall without any tests or examinantions. Then just say that oh the university hate me because I was asked to sit for the test. GOD create us sure GOD test us. Read the original Taurah (Jews) Bible (Christian) Quran(Islam) you can fing the answres.

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