Depression/worrying (boyfriend)

Ok so my boyfriend has depression problems. Also hes constantly worrying bout variety of things. He wont talk bout it with me or anyone and he lets it build up. Its almost like he likes the pain it causes him. But I don’t know. Anyways. He recently broke up with me (were bk together now) because his aunt who he lives with told him that when he turns 18 in april he will go to jail for being with me. Shes a major bi*ch!! She hates me because im white (hes black but acts like a white guy. Hes a black skater. I think its very original!! Lol but umm what should I do to get him not so stressed about everything and so he can maybe explain his feelings to me and stuff? Hwlp please!!!

Answer #1

drugs are part of what causes my depression. they bring bk extremely horrible memories. im on 450 mg of meds thts the only thing keepin me going

Answer #2

Well I know what your feeling from both points of views cause I have depression to and I used to keep everything in.But about your boyfriend…ummm just let him know that your going to always be there for him and that you care for what he has to say.I men atleast try to show him some support and soon or later he will come out and tell you what actually is wrong.

Answer #3

Sory to hear you are having a rough time. Over the past year I had a HUGE depression & stress problem. My girlfriend desperately tried to help me but some how every time she offered something, or gave me advise, or even an idea, I thought that it wasnt good enough, or I tried to find a reason why it wouldnt work. It is a hard thing to get out of. Some times people get depressed and don´t even know why, been there. I guess that what I would have wanted for her, now that I look back, is that she had breaken up with me, maybe that way, after time, we could have found each other again, and started dating without her having all the scars I caused. I hope your guy gets over it, because if it goes on he will have lots of guilt for what he made you go through, that is if he loves you, I know I feel guilty for what I did even today. cheers

Answer #4

ok well I constantly tell him that im here for him and im always showing support. I suffer from major depression, anxiety, stress, and insomnia. he knows that too. and the only time he ever really tlks bout whts bothering him is whn he gets so stressed that he dont know wht hes thinkin and he breaks up with me then he will talk to me. but I dont c why he wont talk to me and prevent the break up and the pain it causes both of us. weve been together for almost 5 months. and I really CANNOT let him go no matter what. I just love him too much. and my friends dont understand that. but w/e got funadvice to help me :]

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