

I’ve been getting dandruff lately and I want to know how to get rude of it. Head & shoulders doesn’t help!!

Answer #1

selson blue

Answer #2


neutrogena worked great for me my dandruff used to be so so bad you should try that stuff ^

and I start to get it more again when my scalp drys out so I use the “neutrogena hair mask” and ocassionaly “Queen Helene Cholestrerol Hot Oil Treatment” I find both products at cvs!

Answer #3

ik everyone else said it but selsun blue and theres this sulfur 8 grease stuff and they also have a shampoo

Answer #4

dandruff shampoo will work. it sounds bad enough that perhaps you need to lather it in, then shut the shower off without rinsing your hair, and watch a little tv. Then finish your shower. I saw this on the show “The Doctors”. or was it meet the doctors? I dunno, but just try it, and see a doctor as well.

Answer #5

Drink lots of water. And selsun blue might work. You could try rubbing your conditioner into your scalp to add extra moisture.

Answer #6

selsun blue. my daad uses it. me on the other hand thank god got my moms genes :]

Answer #7

ya try selson blue

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