What can I do about really bad dandruff?

ok so I have really bad dandruff and it sucks and I been using head and shoulders but its not working and suggestions on what to do?

Answer #1

Try some antidandruff shampoos that are found in chemists. Usually more effective. If that doesn’t work, visit your doctor.

Answer #2

T/Gel by neutrogena? or what I did when I had bad dandruff once… scrub your head really well with your finger tips (NOT NAILS) once. then scrub once with head and shoulders. rinse. and scrub with head and shoulders once more. good luck!

Answer #3

Vinegar! sounds gross I know, but it will clean all the dead skin off you scalp, adn also clean off all the crude from shampoo off your hair, making it look healthier so first wash your hair like normal, and then take 1/4 a cup of vinegar and 3/4 a cup of water and scrub your hair with that! it really works I recommend it once a month for most people, but you can use it as often as you want, and it will prevent lice as well!:D

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