How do I convince my teacher to let me do alternate...?

Homework assignments when essays are to be done. I really don’t know why, but I just can never write them like I am supposed to. It’s not much of writers block as I thought it was for the first one. How do I convince my teacher to give me alternate assignments to do so I won’t have to do the essay’s?

It’s not that I don’t want to do them, they just seem hard when I try to remember it, him explaining how to do it, and the way my notes are.

Answer #1

Alternate what?

Answer #2

Essays are easy, theres a lot of steps to them, but they are easy. If the whole class has to do it then so should you, youre not special. I believe teachers should only give alternative if there is a valid reason, like them missing school or something not because you dont like it, hell, i fu*king hate Chemistry & Physics but i still do it. Not knowing how to do the work is a lame excuse, stay after school for tutorials.

Answer #3

You could only convince your teacher if you had a good reason why you could not do the normal assignments; for example, a learning impairment, the likes of dyslexia, ADHS, and so on. Unless there is a mental or physical handicap that you are struggling with, you should really be expected to do the same amount and kind of work as everybody else. Especially with essays - the ability to write is probably THE most important thing you can carry from high school (Assuming this is about high school?)!

Otherwise, I really doubt it, unless the teacher is really lenient, in which case the argument you just put forth would probably do the trick.

But the best option is to approach your teacher and ask for HELP on the current assignments. They are usually more than willing to help students who admit they need help.

Good luck!

Answer #4

sorry, for some reason ur explanation didnt show up. schedule time like in ur lunch so ur teacher can help you

Answer #5

Explaining to him that you have a learning disability will only lead to him switching you out into a different class that’s not as challenging. You should just roll with the punches. We all had to do essays.. It might be harder for some more than others, but we all had to do it. You’re going to have to do it in college.. You can’t ask your professor for ‘’something else to do’’.. he’d just laugh in your face.

Answer #6

You have to learn to do essays, there is no way around it. If you’re planning on going to University, you need to be able to write them, as a large portion of your mark is going to be based off of them. It’s not impossible for you to do, you just don’t like them. Buckle down and sort that sh*t out, you’ll get the hang of it eventually.

Answer #7

I agree, figure it out. In the real world ‘it’s hard’ is not going to be an excuse any employer will accept. And if you dont plan on actually having a career or getting very far, who cares if you fail this class. It wont make a difference anyways. If you do, writing skills are important.

Answer #8

Aw, thats sad…

Answer #9

“Explaining to him that you have a learning disability will only lead to him switching you out into a different class that’s not as challenging.” If there IS a learning impairment here, then I would think a more appropriate class would be a good thing, not a bad thing. Just my opinion.

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