Climate change

The scientific facts seem clear,climate change is happening and its man made still some people disagree why?

Answer #1

because people have different beliefs. Some may think its God’s will or something… But I think for the most part its because people have a hard time owning up to their own mistakes.

Answer #2

What man has done here on Earth could eventually lead us to be like Venus, but on the other hand, Earth, and every other terrestrial planet goes through global warming with or without human presence. For instance, the great conveyor has collapsed before as close as around 10,000 BC and other times before then and it was all due to the changing of the arctic ice shift (melting & recession). Humans did NOT have any influences on this matter whatsoever. Now, we do. We are simply speeding up the process!! Also… remember, we cannot kill Earth because Earth will reshape itsself and survive whatever we throw at it… we are only killing ourselves!!

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