Who is participating in Earth Hour?

Earth hour is 8:30 tonight. You are supposed to turn your lights off from 8:30-9:30 to raise awareness about climate change. Is anyone going to do it? Millions of people from around the world are participating.

Answer #1

I have to my mom is making me

Answer #2

it would be awsome if earth day was everyday

Answer #3

We did :) A friend of ours organised a bbq at her partner’s place and almost managed to get everyone there. My baby brother and I set some of our home light timers to come back on after midnight to keep potential burglars at bay :)

Answer #4

I thought it was 8:00-9:00 .. but yeaah I am ;)

Answer #5

We didn’t turn off the lights here, but, we did not use the car and they shut down the streets…walking this evening to fetch things was MUCH more pleasant with no traffic around.

Answer #6

nope… I have mates round and we aint falling over each other on the way to kitchen to get another drink… ;)

Answer #7

every one in my neighbor hood did. it was so peaceful…

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