Chewing gum

Does chewing gum all day help you loose weight?

Answer #1

in your face it does

Answer #2

no and first you need to see a doctor and get your bmi (body mass index) calculated for your height and age he/she will tell you what weight range your in and how much you need to loose/gain if your not in the healthy weight range see a doctor first because I highly doubt you need to loose any weight

Answer #3

Maybe. Studies have shown that chewing sugar free gum 100 chews a minute will raise your metabolism by 20% and someone chewing gum all day can burn off 11 pounds a year. This doesn’t sound like a very smart thing to do though. Chewing this much gum isn’t good for your stomach, intestines or teeth. Too much aspartame (the fake sugar found in sugar free gum) can make you sick. For a more realistic approach, just chewing sugar free gum for 15 minutes each hour between meals can result in eating 40 less calories per meal or snack and controls cravings.

Answer #4

it actaully makes you fatter it bloats your stomache upp :)

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