cheated... what do I do?

My boyfriends ex girlfriend just told me thye’ve been sleeping together for a good few months. she doesnt know about us at all. he’s denying it happened, stating that the last time the had sex was before we were serious,,, although when I thought we were serious, he doesnt think we were. It seems he saw me as a convienient, garaunteed shag…. he’s upset that I dont believe him… what do I do?

Answer #1

Well to be very honest with you I would just walk away from it all……the test is if he comes back on his own without you chasing him. good luck….and as far as beleiving the ex….will if she didn’t know you were a threat….she might be telling the truth…but again what kind of person goes around making those kind of annoucments?

Answer #2

All I can say is you need to follow your heart. You can ask everyone in the world for all the advice you want, but deep down you know if you want to stay with him or just let him go. Personally I have been though this before I don’t think you stay around becuase he is a liar and who knows what he could lie about next. Like I said only you know what to do and what you feel, just remember if you stay with him the next time something big happens like this it could be a lot harder for you to get over.

Answer #3

he is a liar and cant stand the fact he has been caught out, even so you just said he slept with her before you were “serious” but you were still apart of the equation, you were still there and he didnt really care did he becos he slept with her anyway, plus, if the ex girlfriend didnt know about you 2 why would she lie? if she did know we can simply say well she wanted to make you jealous so she could be lying, but that fact she had no idea about you, why would she lie to you? you know the truth in your heart and this guy just isnt the guy for you, id leave him before you causes you more pain.

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