
So I have this massive blister. its infected and I heard my mum say to my dad she hopes I dont get cellulitis. whats that can anyone explain this to me? heres a picture of my blister, its really bad do you think I might get cellulitis?

Answer #1

I think you should get it checked out. How you get it anyways?

Answer #2

I did, im on 2 different antibiotics for it now, um my school shoes!

Answer #3

well cellulite is the ‘dimples’ you get in your thighs/butt area… Cottage cheesy shaped skin kind of haha Im not really sure if thats the same thing as cellulitis buuut if it is, I dont think thats how you’ll get it haha. Ps: Cellulite is very common, even Tyra Banks has it! lol

Answer #4

Cellulitis is an infection of the fatty tissue. It is NOT cellulite. Look it up on Webmd and do not come here for medical advice. The poster before me shouldn’t be giving out any health advice… You should probably check with your doc, but I’d reccomend soaking your foot in hot-ish water with epsom salts. Then blot dry with a clean towl, air-dry, and treat with bactine or neosporin. You know- the more I look at your poor foot, the more I think you should at least CALL your doctor. I had cellulitis on my thigh from a cyst- it’s NOT fun. I had to be driven to the ER twice a day, have them clean the wound with iodine and something else, then it was packed with gauze and taped shut. More painful than delivering my son… take care of yourself!! :o)

Answer #5

I know what cellulite is I think its different for cellulitis

Answer #6

I had surgery on my toe a couple years back and they said I had gotten the beginning stages of cellulitis, what they explained to me is that the infection is spreading into the blood. I’m not a doctor by far but my doctor said it was quite serious, they do have antibiotics for it though.

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